chapter 2 - But, that's all i am to her.

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They quickly turn around and realizes what's happening. Blake looks pissed and had his hand ready to use his fire powers on her. Rain panicked, and casted a quick glance at Clover who was blinded by anger and didn't seem to realize what he's about to do. Without a second thought, Rain made an ice wall between them, to stop him from hurting her. Rain rushed over to Clover, grabbed her hand and pulled her into the girl's bathroom. "are you ok?" They quickly asked Clover who was a little shaken by what just happened and was looking at the floor. "h-he was about to hurt me...?" she looked up from the floor and into Rain's eyes who had their hand on Clover's check. "I'm sorry that had to happen to you" they added trying to stay calm. "At least he didn't get the chance, thanks to you." clover smiled at Rain before she shed a single tear. Rain felt a little flustered and for some reason started apologizing. "I'm sorry I helped you, I know, if only you saw what he was doing, you could've stopped him. I know you're a strong, independent and well-trained woman and could've handled that yourself, but I couldn't just do nothing and ignore it. Let me make it up to you! Can I take you to a café in town?" they said rambling, seemingly without taking a breath between their sentences. "Woah woah woah! If you didn't help me, it could've gone very very wrong. I'm very thankful that you did and that you were there. I don't think you have a reason to make up for anything, but, sure! I'll come with you to a café, that sounds fun! And we could get to know each other better, because I don't know you as much as I wish I did, and this is a great opportunity!" Clover said with a big smile on her face, meanwhile rain's heart was about to melt, and their face was bright red. "y-yeah. ahem, sounds fun! later today or tomorrow? or when do you have time? And what are you going to do with Blake?" Rain really looked like a tomato, like if you put pictures of a tomato and Rain beside each other, the only difference would be that, Rain had a face and a body. "maybe later today? I'm free! Maybe we can study there too. I'm not too sure about what to do with Blake yet. I think I'm going to tell Cohan and Everest before anything to see what they think I should do but yeah, thank you again for saving me." she said with a big smile on her face. Rain felt their heart beating faster, but they didn't understand what it was, until it hit them. they liked Clover! "But clover's straight, and taken!" she thought to herself. "sure, I'll be outside your dorm at 3.30pm? I'll text you if it changes and also text me if you don't have time anymore. good luck with telling Everest I bet she'll snap again" they giggled. Clover started laughing and agreed. "yeah, I'll text you if anything happens, should I wear something specific?" Clover now stared into Rain's eyes, deeper than she already did, then she grabbed their glasses and put them on. "you look great either way, with glasses or not." Rain added and started laughing, clover was as well and gave the glasses back. "But I don't think you have to dress up, just dress like you normally would" Rain said a little while after laughing. "alright bet, see ya at 3.30!" she said playfully while leaving the bathroom. When she was no where to see, Rain fell onto the floor and covered their face and let out a quiet, little scream. There was no doubt anymore, they diffidently liked her. They then stood up and walked out of the bathroom.

After all our classes we went back to the dorms. Cohan without me realizing it, was walking close behind me. "Everest, I swear, wait up! my god you don't have to walk so damn fast" they said slightly angrily at me. "well I'm sOrrY, I need to finish the homework before I go to London, I don't have that much time!!!" I literally screamed at her. Cohan look down at their shoes then up again "girl, raise your voice at me one more time, see what happens" I was frightened to say the least, but I answered her. "give me the attitude one more time, I dare you." we started laughing but both of us knew what we said was true, so we just walked to the dorms talking to each other nonstop about anything to nothing. When we both got inside, Arrow was standing in the kitchen making food. "you girls want some? I was making for me and Neptune, but I'd gladly make some more!" they said with a rather loud voice, but with a big smile and cheerful eyes. "sure, I don't know about Cohan but I'm diffidently hungry!" I answered looking at Cohan with one raised eyebrow. "you know what, sure, I'll take some too." she said with a smile on her face. "sooo, what are you and Neptune going to do, huh?" I said while I stared at him. he got flustered and answered "w-we're... yeah, we're just um... going to practice the bow-" he froze up and looked at something behind us. "and arrow." Neptune finished behind me. "anything else?" I questioned them. "no." Neptune answered playfully. I moved my eyes from Neptune to Arrow because I knew he was the weak link. "aaanything else???" again, raising an eyebrow. "no-." they had a little voice crack there. "then why are you so nervous, if there's nothing going on you would be confident in what you are saying right now." Cohan said with a smirk all over their face. "ok look, we're just going to play some video games after an hour or something of practice, nothing more, nothing less. ok?" Neptune said after a long sigh. "no Netflix an-" "NO GOD DAMN IT EVEREST! NOTHING MORE. NOTHING LESS." Neptune launched at me after interrupting me oh so rudely. "yeeahhh, we're just gonna to take the food, thank you Arrow-, and take us up to my room, alright? before this gets out of hand" Cohan grabbed me by my neck with her whole arm and slowly dragged me away with her. After walking for a few seconds, so much that I could not see any of them anymore I cried out "ok but can let go of me nowww" trying to get out of her grip. "hmmm, no, you might just go running back asking questions, and I really don't feel like waking the plants up and having them tie around you oh so tight, so you can't move, k?" they said with an oddly calm and playful voice continuing to walking down the hall and into her room. "wait, what were we studying again?" Cohan asked me while grabbing her watering can to water her plants or so called friends, like Cohan likes to call them. "homework first but didn't I say Math and History? maybe some Englsih also? we have music and religion homework I think, at least that's what I think it was" I answered while looking at my phone too check the week plan with the homework written on it. "I think you're right, lets start?" she asked, and I nodded while she sat down on her desk, I was already sitting on her bed pulling out my books.

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