Chapter 3 - "I wouldn't want anyone else to do it. It had to be her"

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London grabbed the remote and rested her head on my shoulder. They put the blanket over us and smiled at me as the movie began. I smiled at her back and felt my heart beating faster. London was really grateful that she could watch the movie with someone, and very happy that I wanted to watch it with her, specifically me! I couldn't believe it at first, but honestly that really made me happy. The thought of that made me smile. "what are you smiling at?" she asked me, giggling to herself. "nothing, just glad I got to do this with you." I answered cuddling closer to her, laying down and placing my head on her thigh. "I'm very glad you wanted to watch it and that you took time to do this with me, even though I know you had other things to do. Thank you, Everest." they said while putting her hand on my head, patting it lightly and smiling brighter than before. I'd move my hands from under my head and over too around her waist and hugging her tighter while trying to pay attention to the movie, but I kept getting distracted by her, her and her beautiful smile.

The movie ended after an hour and a half of cuddles and a few tears, cause the movie was slightly heart worming and angsty at the same time. London said there was no jump scares but there were maybe around two, three ish, and I flinched and hid my face on either her stomach or neck. It started getting very late, and I had to go back to my dorm, maybe even shower if I have the energy. "you look tired, Everest. You should go back to your dorm so you can start falling asleep, I know how long it normally takes before you actually sleep." she said, obviously worried for both me and my sleep schedule. I'm not the best at falling asleep if I'm going to be completely honest. I'm not the worst at least. My sleep schedule is far better than most, just not in not in my class. I do know that it's better than Ocean and Ace's schedules "yeeaahh, you're probably right... you too though, please. I'll text you when I get back, and text you good night like we always do! see you tomorrow though, good night beautiful" I said, loosening my grip of her waist. I stood up and smiled at her and she smiled at me back, like always, that smile that makes me feel happy and appreciated. "good night love. we'll talk soon, see you tomorrow! And please try to hurry over to your room so you can sleep, text me the second you get inside you room. see ya!" she said, again worrying for my schedule and health. they're so nice, and I really really appreciate that they actually care for me and my well-being. But because I didn't want her to worry, I left and walked quickly to my dorm room.

While I was walking, I tried looking over to see if Rain had left Clovers room. The door was still closed. "maybe if I try to concentrate ill be able to hear if someone is in there." I thought while slowly activating my power and trying to listen, not to their conversation but just if anyone is there. To my surprise I heard nothing, just breathing, like someone is sleeping. I questioned if Clover ever left the room and maybe both just fell asleep, I walk over to the door and open it slightly. I was right, they did fall asleep! wait, is that Rain's hand around her waist? are they both warm and did they fall asleep before they got to put the blanket over themselves? "meh" I think and walk over to put the blanket over them, too keep them warm. I got a closer look at them both since my eye sight on a long distance is a little blurry, back to what I was talking about, Clover is holding Rain's hand, and Rain is smiling. The look on Rain's face is for sure the face of someone in love, the thought made me smile and I slowly walk away from them. Walking away from them both. I closed the door and remembered what I'd promised London, and as a woman of words, I closed the door and walked quickly to my room. the second I got back I went to go lay down on my bed. I texted her, telling her I'm back at my dorm. Like I normally do, I check the group chat to see if anyone needs help, "no one today either, huh? that's unusual... happy, but strange." I thought feeling a bit of relief putting my phone down. I activate my powers to see if anyone was crying, doesn't sound like it, no. "just a lot of editing sounds, guess Ocean or Kylo is editing for a new video on their channel, good for them! wonder what its about... I'll check it out when they post it." I said quietly, not realizing I was talking out loud. Last thing is too check if anyone is listening to the sad playlist. Oh, looks like new songs were added... by Neo? He was listening to it as well, 20 minutes ago... "maybe I'll just ask Atlas if he knows or if he's over there right now." I thought to myself while grabbing my phone again and turning it back on. I go straight to messages and find Atlas in my contacts. "hey, I know it's late but are you with Neo right now? I just wanted to check if at least you know anything. They were listening to the sad playlist a little while ago." -I ended up sending to him, knowing if he didn't know, he'd leave me on read to go and check and text me back in the morning or when he got back, but if it was nothing, he'd let me know, to not make me think about it and go to sleep. But if he was with them, then he'd text me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2021 ⏰

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