8th scene

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I was in the cafe but in the living area of it as I was bored and had just finished a nap and I flinched when a bang happened from outside and I saw a car on its side

I look rather perplexed as that wasn't there before and I decide to go investigate as I am after all Samuel Jones's child

I pop my head out of the door and see my cosiun Sarah on the phone

I walk hesitantly to the key rails as something catches my eye in my phefial vision

I see something swirling and Charlie is on land and his boat is docked none of the ocean rescue centres boats and jet ski could go underwater and Charlie even said there was barely an fish around in the key

So what was it? Whatever it was shouldn't be there

I then see something like a fin pop out but before I can alert my uncle or anyone something else catches my action and I see anthour suit just like the flying mans suit which had gripped everyone excitement this day

It picked up Dilys car and I started to feel sorry for Dilys and Norman, cause if Dilys gets hurt, what will happen to Norman?

The thoughts confused me and confusing thoughts meant headaches

The police arrived and I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked to Ben and he held my arm and I give him a smile and he smiled back

Ben didn't want anything to happen to Sam and Penny's child

Malcolm and Rose got out of there vehicles and went in front of them

Malcolm got a loud trailer out and said put the car down, your under arrest for damange to public property, setting fire to Charlie's boat and er

He then looked at Rose as he covered the loud trailer and asked her how they arrested someone who was flying

Suddenly Scoop Dooley basically repeated what Malcolm had said and she hadn't been nice to my dad saying this flying man was better then my dad

I didn't agree and I could see Charlie was now having thoughts as well as Ben was

Flying man then arrived and I looked shocked

How was there two?, why was there two?, where did the other one come from?, what was happening? and who was flying them? - I thought and yet again my mind was going into overdrive

They had a mini battle before the one in blue threw Dilys car and I'm pretty sure she hadn't had this new car that long after loosing her old one ages ago

Ben gripped my arm as he and Gareth ran away and he pulled me away just in the nick of time saving us from any injures

I didn't pay attention to anything else to I heard Normans voice

How?, why?, what? and when? - I thought confused

Norman Price couldn't be flying man I had seen him with James when flying man slowed down the train

This was confusing and I wish I hadn't decided to come investigate now but I soon learnt it was better that i had

The other one started to malfunction and Norman was still winging and the blue one ended up flying away to somewhere else

Mandy: wow, I wonder where it's going to land

Hopefully somewhere safe but someone was in need fo a rescue I knew that much and it wasn't just fire rescue either, medical assistance was needed to

Whiplash, concussion or even just loads of nausea

Is what could happen after that flight of twist and turns

If Jones was in the film Norman Price and the mystery in the skyWhere stories live. Discover now