Hongofulu mā taha: Cautious times ahead

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No matter how many shots I downed, it failed to get me to the desired state of drunkenness I needed, in order to forget the ordeal that just went down.

It's now 3am and the bar is starting to close up. Thankfully for my trusty-old cousin, twinny and I have a safe ride to get back to mine.

"You sure I can't take you to the hospital cuz?", Robbi pouted as we pulled up to the front of my house.

"Yeah nah I'm all good cuz" I smile reassuringly. "shot for the ride."

"Hell yeah she's good! My suga is a motherf*ckin Queen. Bow down you peasant!!!" Helen drunkenly bellowed at Robbi before plopping her head on my shoulder and falling fast asleep. Oh gosh, she's absolutely gone.

"Alright you better take her inside before I zip her mouth", Robbi smirked. "Take care yeah, and make sure mum and dad knows about Dom".

"I promise", I smiled thankfully at my older protective cousin.

After finally dragging Helen's ass out of Robbi's car, I manage to carry her towards the front door of my house. And before I reach into my pockets for the house keys I paused for a bit. Do my ears deceive me or do I hear noisy chatter and laughter coming from within the house? and is that the sound of cards on the table?

I haven't heard these sounds come out of my household in so long - I forgot this use to be a home full of loud banter, joy and laughter. Smiling at my old fond memories, I turn the unlocked door knob and let myself in.

Curiously wondering down the hallway towards the noisy lounge, I pass my bedroom door and keep dragging Helen with me to see what was happening. At the end of the Hallway I pause and take in such a nostalgic sight. I saw my parents, Lily and Nela sitting around our coffee table playing talamu (a Tongan card game called Drum), laughing at each other, or rather at the surprising fifth person at the table.

Why is Sifa playing cards in my lounge room? By the looks of the scene, it seems like he's just lost the last round of points and looked genuinely upset at himself. What a serious guy.

"Lani your home!" Lily called out, drawing everyone's eyes towards the hot mess standing before them.

"Damn your big mouth", I sneered under my breathe before addressing the room. "Hi fam! We just got back from Helen's gig"

"Hurry and take her to your room. Feed her a Panadol before she dies ugly", my dad kindly instructs as he shuffles the cards in his hands.

"Gosh I can smell you guys from here. How litty did you both get!", Lily asked whilst covering her nose the drama Queen.

"Not as much as I'd like", I scoffed.

"Must of been a great night if that sober", Sifa piped up.

Before I could utter my response, Nela shoots up from his seat.

"What the hell happened to your neck?", Nela's fumed as he held a grave stare.

"Lani want happened?" Mum shadowed mirrored my brothers response and shot out of her chair to come and examine my neck for herself.

"Yeah I need to tell you guys something. But let me put Helen to bed first", I replied making sure my voice rang with self-assurance. How the hell am I gonna tell them?

After making Helen take a Panadol and tucking her into bed, I take a deep breathe before heading back to the lounge room which was now ringing with deafening silence.

As I re-enter and take a seat on our solo chair facing everyone, Immediately noticing that the coffee table was put away. Everyone's eyes were now on the mark around my neck. Damnit I should've checked before I left the club.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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