Don't Tell... | Kid Ships

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"Am not sure we should leave him alone."

"He said he'll be fine... Right Fiat?"

"Yes... I'll be fine. You guys enjoy your night out."

Kris looked at his son for while before turning to follow Singto. "Be good!" He said then closed the door.

Fiat watched them from the living room window as the car left the yard.

A minute later he pulled out his phone.

[They left... Am gonna quickly change. Meet me at the door in 5 minutes.]

He ran up and changed his pj's into something more exciting. When he got to the door he found Oaujun waiting outside.

"Tell me why we can't hangout here?"

"Because my dad is a detective and will somehow know that you came over..."

"But won't he know that you left?"

"No... That's different. I'll be back in time. Don't worry." Fiat pulled his Boyfriends arm towards the motorbike.

After a short drive,they reached their destination.

"Open! It's me." Fiat shouted out loud while knocking on the door vigorously.

"Can you be quiet? It's late and the neighbors like to listen in on us." Pluem opened the door with an annoyed expression.

Fiat walked passed dragging his boyfriend along. "Sorry, um... Nanon honey. Am gonna borrow your room for a while so don't come in, okay?"

"Wait! Tell me again why you came to my house?"

"Because my parents are strict."

"And mine aren't?" Pleum crossed his arms over his chest. He was hoping to have a quit night without his parents but his sly cousin took the opening to be his true self.

"Pleum?" Chimon walked into the living room holding the hands of two children.

Fiat looked back with a smirk. "Aww Chimon... What are You doing here?"

Chimon let go of Win and Brights hands. "Pluem invited me."

Fiat looked back to his cousin. "I thought you said your parents are strict..."

Pluem kept quiet.

"I'll be going then." Fiat proceeded to go up to Nanon's room.

"Why did you bring your brother... And who is that?" Pluem walked over to his boyfriend.

"Win had his friend come over. I couldn't leave them alone." Chimon looked over to his brother.

"Its fine... Frank and Nanon can look after them while we visit my room for a bit..."

Frank who was watching everything from the kitchen walked up to the two. "That's where I stop you brother... Am going out so you'll have to find someone else to take care of the kids."

"What? You didn't tell me. Where are you going?"

"I don't know... Drake said it would be a surprise. I should go wait for him out side."

Pluem watched his brother run out. He turned to his younger and shrugged. "That leaves you Non... Unless you too have somewhere to be?"

Nanon rolled his eyes. He watched his brother and Chimon go upstairs. When he looked back to find Win and Bright... They were gone.

After a while of looking around the house. Nanon found them in the Den.

" Should we do it? "

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I do... How can you ask that?"

"Because, people that love each other do it all the time."

Win held his hands together.

"Bright... Am not sure about this."

"Come on... Think of it this way. We shear our food all the time right... This is no different."

"But food is different..."

"We drink from the same bottle Win... Why are you backing out? You love me right?"

"Fine, I'll do it but... Do our tongues have to touch?"

"I don't know... You want to suck on my tongue?"

Nanon quickly interrupted the conversation.
"What on earth are you guys are talking about?"

Win looked scared while Bright carried an annoyed facial expression.

"We... We just want to..." Win looked down almost shyly.

"We weren't doing anything. Why are you here?" Bright spock with a frown.

"Okay yyy.... Am just gonna. Sit over here for a bit. Maybe we can watch a movie. I'll get us some ice-cream. Anything to get you guys redirected from what ever that was..."

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