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Im sorry i might've forgotten about this book...,,,,, Its because i had my finals and i had to pass so i didnt really have the energy to write xbdjbxj, i passed so its fine

enjoy or something

Y/n's pov

I was back at the northland bank to meet up with Scaramouche again. Still thinking about what happened earlier, I just cant get it out of my head. I walk into the room, Scaramouche was staring at the wall. I clear my throat trying to get his attention but he didn't move.

I sigh, he's doing this on purpose and I don't like it.

"Scaramouche, I got more information." I decide to say something.

"Good." was his only response. It was pretty awkward. "So," I decided to continue, Scaramouche was still not moving. "Apperantly, Zhongli is the consultant of the Wansheng funeral parlor. The director told me he often listens to the story teller in Liyue so I went to pay him a visit."

Scaramouche finally turned  around making me continue my sentence. "I just sat next to him and we stared talking, I'm meeting up with him tomorrow. Once I get to know him better I will be able to conclude if he is actually the geo archon." Scaramouche walks up to me. "Good job,
what does he look like?" He asks.

Why would he be interested in his looks?

"Well, he was brown hair with a rat tail and the ends of his hair are lighter than his normal hair color. He has orange eyes and his clothes have a brown color palette, Fitting him as someone who works at the funeral parlor."

"Wow, you talk really passionate about this guy." Scaramouche is now a step closer to me.


He moves even closer. "Isn't he so attractive,
y/n? Isn't he so likable?"

What the...? This guy, what is his problem? He asked what he looked like and I answered, thats all..

"What are you even talking about?" I ask him.

"Just answer my question: You like him, don't you?"

Like him? Why would he think I like Zhongli?
"Why would you think that? We literally JUST met? Not to mention he's our potential enemy. I don't like him. "

What the hell..

"Is that so?" Scaramouche tightly holds my chin making me unable to look away. "Prove it."
" Let go of me." I release myself from his grip and try to walk away as he graps my arm. "Don't you dare walk away from me."

"What has gotten into you all of the sudden?!" I exclaim.

"Shut up." Scaramouche says sternly.


"I said shut up, if you don't I'll make you myself." I look at him holding my breath, Scaramouche is acting so strange. He has never acted like this before, at least, not to me..

"Good, now prove it to me. Prove it that you do not feel attracted to mister Zhongli."
I look at Scaramouche in i'm disbelief.
"I have nothing to prove to you, you either take my word or not." Scaramouche lets go of my hand and tilted his hat so I couldn't see his face.

'Superconduct' - Scaramouche x reader [Genshin impact]Where stories live. Discover now