It's been a long long week with multiple interviews, photo shoots, rehearsals, and sessions in the studio, and it's taking a toll on all the members, but the youngest one in particular. The boys are currently in their third meeting of the day and Niall is really struggling to keep his eyes open, and in need of a potty break (as he would call it).
You see despite being 16 Niall has always been slightly mentally behind the rest of the lads his age, meaning he needs regular potty breaks and pull ups during the night as he has not quite got the hang of waking up in the night to go to the loo, as well as at least 1 nap a day, which he should be waking up from right now but has been stuck in this 2 hour meeting with the boys and Modest.
Liam POV
We have just managed to wrap up this boring, unnecessary 150 minute meeting with modest, which quite frankly could have been summarised in an email, but Louis and I are too tired to argue right now, Harry has been playing on his phone for the last 30 mins under the table, and Niall looks like he is asleep which I can't blame him for as he has missed his scheduled nap time, which is hardly ideal. I would let him go to sleep now but it is reaching 5pm and if he sleeps now then he won't sleep later tonight.
"Come on boys, let's go get some pizza and head back to the flat." Louis says.
I quickly scoop Niall up into my arms as he was swaying standing up where he lays his head down on my shoulder and turns his face into the my neck, his favourite place to be, as we walk outside into the cool spring breeze to keep warm.
Louis POV
Harry and I walk quickly to the car, where I get Harry to order 4 pizzas, which will hopefully arrive quickly, as I'm not sure how long little NiNi will last with us trying to keep him awake with no food to distract him. I also make Harry sit in the front as I know Niall will want to stay with Liam as he is probably his favourite, except for when he is telling Niall off and he becomes 'a meanie pants' but then I'm probably Harry's go to if he has a problem, so it evens out well and we all love each other anyway. So it doesn't really matter.
I open the back door for Liam on the side where Niall's car seat is as he is too small to sit in a normal seat and stops him from climbing about in the back which he would do, but we believe that is due to being on the bus and being able to walk around, which means he hates the seat. Although he is too tired to notice as Liam slips him in with no fussing, which is a big sign he is tired but soon notices as Liam fits his arms through the harness and does the buckles as he starts to try and open it but is thankfully to uncoordinated to be able to do it.
Harry passes me his fluffy blanket to distract him while Liam gets in the other side, as Niall will kick off, if he has to sit in the car alone with all the doors closed, while Liam walks around the car and we don't want to deal with a tantrum right now anyway. We all buckle up and start the 30 minute drive home but not even 5 minutes in Niall starts fussing and trying to get out of his seat.
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