Injured (Xavier schiller /Kira Hiroto x reader)

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Another one-shot that decides to take months to get published. Its not actually my fault, its just that I have exams and I literally have no inspiration on what to write in my stories. Anyways, hope you enjoy.😁

1st POV-

"You dumbass. I told you to stop getting into fights. You're going to get yourself badly injured one of these days." I say to the curly haired male.

"Tch. I wouldn't have gotten into a fight, if they hadn't have started it." He responded.

I was scrolling through my social media, sitting on the couch in the living room when I heard the door open. Since almost everyone in the orphanage were playing football, I wasn't expecting anyone to be at home at the time, so I turned my head in the direction of the door, wondering who it was. To my surprise, it was Xavier. I looked at him closely as he closed the door. My eyes were glued to his every movement, wondering if he even noticed I was in the room also. I've had a crush on Xavier ever since I met him. You could even say it was love at first sight.

As he turned around, now facing me, my eyes widened. He had cuts and bruises scattered over his face and his clothes were all crinkled up.

I jumped to my feet, placed my phone on the couch and walked in the direction of where Xavier stood. My steps were quick and before I knew it, I was standing right in front of the god striker.
Worry was evident in my eyes as I stared into his pale red ones. I slowly raised my hand, reaching out to touch one of the bruises on his cheek. As my hand made contact with his soft skin, he flinched, causing me to pull my hand away. I waited for Xavier to relax, before extending my arm once more.

As soon as my hand returned to his cheek again, I asked

"Does it hurt?" He averted his eyes away from mine, replying,

"Not that much," bringing his gaze back onto me. I rubbed the bruise on his cheek lightly with my thumb.

We stayed like that, staring into each others eyes for a couple of moments. I was surprised Xavier was not looking away but staring deeply into my (e/c) eyes.

Not long after, I felt a hand slither onto my lower back, resting there. At this point in time, I was blushing furiously and felt myself heating up in the face. Xavier started, ever so slightly, leaning in closer to my face, while I just stood there not knowing what to do do or how to react. (like a bad man😎.)

The only thing in my mind was whether I stank from all the sweat I was producing. I decided to go on instinct and smack him in the face and make a run for the door.

Just kidding😅.

I leant closer to Xavier's handsome face, all the while wondering if I was reading the situation at hand correctly. Our faces were now barely a few centimetres away from each others and I was beginning to freak out.

"You want this, don't you?" He asked, whispering now.

"Only if you want to," I replied, surprisingly more confident than I anticipated I would sound.

"I've waited for this ever since I played my eyes in you." He said with a smirk plastered across his face. By now, his other hand was under my chin, tilting it slightly.

"So you got yourself into a fight and hurt yourself, just so we could do this?" All the nerves I felt only moments ago, were all but memories.

He gave a low chuckle. Still with the smirk placed on his lips, he brought my face closer to his, closing the gap.

At first, I didn't kiss back. Having no real experience, I wasn't sure whether I would be good at it or not. But slowly, I made a move to mind my l lips into his. An act that would only feel real in dreams, was finally happening. Me and Xavier, sharing the most romantic of moments.

My thoughts were cut short when I felt something wet trying to enter my mouth.

'Oh my gobble! It's his tongue. What should I do? Should I open my mouth? Should I pull away? Think, brain, think.'

I opened my mouth slowly, thinking this was the best option to choose. Almost instantly, Xavier's long tongue had entered my mouth. It swirled around, marking every corner as his. I wanted the kiss to last forever but the lack of oxygen pulled us apart.

I watched as a string of our saliva seeped out of our mouths, the room was filled with our pants, the aftermath of our passionate moment together.

I still felt Xavier's hand resting on my lower back but it felt like he was pulling me closer to him. Well, closer than already were.

He stared at me with loving eyes. Suddenly, he brought me into a hug. I was hesitant at first but soon wrapped my arms around him too.

"Was that your first kiss?" Xavier asked me, his arms still wrapped around me.

"Yes. Was it your first?" I asked back, loving the warmth I was receiving from him.

"Mm," he replied. I don't know why but I felt a weight being lifted from my shoulders. It was perfect, in each others arms, finally.

"Umm." Me and Xavier both turned around, only to see hunter standing next to the door, wide-eyed.

"Um, sorry. We just finished training and I came back fir-" he started, only to be interrupted by the god striker.

"How much did you see?" He asked, running a hand through his hair, with his eyes closed.

"I walked in when I saw you, um," he looked like he was struggling to find the right words. I was starting to panic. 'What if he came in when we were kissing? What if he tells everyone?' At this point I was slightly trembling.

"Ooh, you saw us kissing didn't you, Hunter?" Xavier said with a sly smirk.

"Wait, if you came when we were kissing, how long ago did training finish?" I said, trying to change the subject somehow.

"About 20 minutes ago, why?" He asked back.

At this point, I had forgotten the events that had just happened a few moments ago and was no looking at Hunter, confusion evident on my face.

"She's asking where is the rest of the team?" Xavier said, as if knowing exactly what I was going to say. Hunter stared blankly at us, before he responded.

"Good question, I'll go check," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and then left, leaving both Xavier and me alone. We turned to each other again, bodies facing each other.

"Shall we continue where we left off, my love?" The grey haired male asked sweetly. With a nod of my head, we were back in each others arms, savouring every second.


That actually took longer than I anticipated. I'm glad I was able to finish this chapter.╰(*°▽°*)╯ So, I hope you liked it. I would like if people gave me some suggestions on what characters I should do next. Anyways, until I write again 😀

- Rumadoo

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