Chapter 2

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It was a particularly cold day, and it was really windy. Paige struggled to keep her papers from flying out of her bookbag and was trying not to get swept away from the fierce wind. It wasn't this cold and windy yesterday, stupid techno-campus. She struggled across campus to the little coffee shop the campus provides. It was really cozy, and warm, too.

Paige entered the coffee shop and bought a caramel frappe, with extra caramel the way she liked it. She sat down at an empty table and watched the students pass by the window outside. She opened her book bag, pulled out her homework from literature class and tuned out the rest of the coffee shop to finish it.

Before she knew it, the bell rang for class to begin. The all-too-familiar screechy bell made her sigh with annoyance. At least we get next week off for tech updating.

She got up, threw away her trash, and then walked out of the door. The cold wind hit her instantly, and she struggled to keep warm. It wasn't raining thankfully. It actually never rained, with the school being almost all robotic and stuff. That would be funny if it did rain, this school would probably have to shut down, haha. *sigh* If only.

First period class was taught by robot X473, but it's nickname was Mr. Raylend. He (more precisely it) taught bio science on the 5th floor of Building 1, almost all the way across campus. There were two different types of science there, regular bio science, and robotics science. Heaven only knows why there had to be TWO, but Paige decided that she had to deal with it. She hated most of this campus, and the people in it, so it wasn't a challenge for Paige to deal with most stuff.

She entered the Building and took the elavator up to the 5th floor and hurried to Mr. Raylend's class before the tardy bell rang. "Welcome Ms. Paige, you may sit down at any empty seat, we are having a pop quiz today." The robotic teacher motioned for her to sit. There were only 4 other people in class, so she wasn't late at all. She sat down at a seat in the front corner and took out her school tablet to study for the test before class began.

After School

The day passed by in a blur of a quiz, vocab, boring lectures, lunch and then the bell rang for school to be over that day. She was hurrying back to her dorm (she very much didn't prefer using the hover boards) when she tripped over someone. She landed on her knee, and then her face hit the sidewalk. Her books and pencils fell out of her bag and scattered everywhere. She quickly went to pick them up without causing too much attention to herself. She had a scrape on her knee from where she impacted with the sidewalk, but she didn't mind it too much. She would go back to her dorm, fix it up, and then be okay.

Paige was in the middle of picking up her stuff, all the while her mind was a skittering jumble of thoughts, when a hand reached out to help her up. Her eyes followed the arm to the body it was connected to. Her eyes then found it's (more like his) face and she stopped completely. OMG it's James Myers! The cutest guy at school. Okay, okay, okay, okay, don't freak out, just try not to make a fool of yourself, Paige.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't watch where I was going... uh, here, let me help you up, and I can get your stuff for you." He gushed as he helped her stand up. He bent down to grab her stuff when his eyes caught her knee. "Are you okay? Your knee! It's, uh, bleeding.." He didn't know what to do, and felt really bad that he had knocked her over.

"Oh yeah, my knee is fine, thanks. You really don't have to get my stuff for me, it's fine." She told him. But as soon as she had said that, all of her stuff was back in her bag and was being handed to her. James opened his mouth to say something, but Paige interuppted him. "Thanks. I gotta go now, bye." She blushed a bright red and turned around, half-running to the dorm building. God you're such an idiot Paige. What is he going to think of you now? He probably will feel bad for you the rest of the year, or he might not even remember. With as many girls that like him, he most likely won't. Ugh, that was so rude Paige, you didn't have to interrupt him. She scolded herself in her mind.

Her head was still a frantic mess when she unlocked her dorm room, and stepped inside. She put her bag on the desk and changed into comfortable clothes. Cammie awoke from her nap and rubbed against Paige's legs. "Hi Cams. You won't believe what just happened. But let me get your food so I can tell you what just did." She walked to her desk and pulled out a bag of cat food she had made for Cammie. Since the campus didn't allow pets, there was no where to get any cat stuff. As a result, Paige had to feed Cammie home made cat food, use a paper plate as her feed bowl, and Cammie slept on a makeshift pillow that Paige had made as well. Paige filled Cammie's plate with food, sat down on the bed, and then told Cammie what had happened on her way back to the dorm.

When Paige had finished her story, Cammie responded with a sneeze. "Haha, I know, I was embarassed too." Paige said with a giggle. "Let's get some sleep. Good night Cams."

Paige turned off the lights, picked up Cammie, and crawled under her big cozy comforter with her. The last thing she thought about as she drifted off to sleep was the pop quiz she had taken...

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