Never a Moment | MARK

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Trigger warnings: mention of death, implied mentions of depression, anxiety, suicide, etc.

Read at your own risk.


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At the sound of your brother's name, you bowed your head, unable to meet the eyes of the person who owned the voice. You were surrounded by people sporting black from head to toe, the only colours being the flowers that surrounded the room, leading to the altar with a picture you didn't want to see at the end of it.

You didn't want to come, in fact you begged Jaehyun to let you stay at home. In this moment, this was the last place you wanted to be, surrounded by the loved ones of someone that had gone too soon.

"They don't want me there." You had argued. "They would kick me out if they saw my face there."

"They wouldn't." Jaehyun had responded, his voice soft and low as he gently rubbed your arm. "Because he would have wanted you there."

And so, you had reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed, getting ready while trying your best not to think about the person they were all mourning that day, someone you had played too big of a part in their life, just for it to end like this. And as you stood there, following your brother around in shame, the numerous pairs of eyes on you made you regret deciding to leave your bed that morning.

Before you knew it, you were standing there in front of the altar, not knowing how you got there. As Jaehyun bowed twice out of respect, you could only stare at the picture, straight into his sparkling eyes.

You heard Jaehyun apologize to his family for your behaviour, making the excuse that you were still in shock. You felt yourself being dragged out of the room, letting the next group in, but all you could think about were those eyes, the ones that you found yourself getting lost in every time you saw him.

You wanted to blame Jaehyun, after all, he was the one that introduced you two. His group was having a party to celebrate a successful concert, and seeing that you had finally moved back to Korea, he thought that inviting you was the best way for you to make some friends.

Little did you know, you would find him that day, the two of you almost bumping into each other as you exited the washroom while he was about to enter it. It was a moment of embarrassment for both of you, and you had your head hung low as you walked away, quickly running back to your brother's side.

Unfortunately though, Jaehyun was a popular one, and soon he had disappeared into the crowds. You were left there to fend for yourself with a bunch of strangers, and for a moment, you wanted to turn around and leave while Jaehyun wasn't looking.

That's when he approached you, awkwardly laughing as he had a hand rubbing the back of his neck. He apologized for bumping into you earlier, and said that he normally wasn't that clumsy.

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