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Summary: Your party was attacked by another villain, but your lover saved your party and now both of you need to explain your relationship to your party
Requested By: Siniora-Chan
Other Notes: I don't think I did that good on the fluff parts. Reader is female, but pronouns barely mentioned. I used my party in Kingdom in this, replacing Dark Choco and Licorice of course. Pure Vanilla is not even mentioned. Also speaking of which- I downloaded Kingdom again and my progress is returned! If you want my ID, just comment! Now anyway, enjoy your order!
Word Count: 539 Words


You met in the forest. Licorice was yelling at his minions as you watched from afar. You never knew how attractive Licorice was.. Then, you both made eye contact, not having the strength to battle, you ran away back to the kingdom. "H-Hey! Come back here!" Licorice shouted, running after you. Once he got close, he grabbed your hand, making you turn to face him. Oh my, you were beautiful.. Licorice's grip loosened as you both stare at each other. From then on you both sneaked away from both your respective sides and met in the same spot every day, your love just kept growing for each other.

Then, on a quest- your party was attacked. "Just give me the girl!" Ghost Pepper Cookie pointed his sword towards you.

Milk Cookie stood in front of you and guarded you with his Divine Milk Shield, holding his Healing Milk Mace in his other hand.

"Not until you defeating us!" Madeleine drew his sword

Ghost Pepper Cookie laughed. "Fine then. Be that way!" A spray of arrows flew towards your party, then the arrows started to fade- you couldn't tell where they are! Soon your party was hit by the arrows, you and milk being the only ones that didn't take damage.

Your eyes turned to familiar purple lightning. Was it-? "GET AWAY FROM MY LOVE!" It has to be- Licorice Cookie! His minions attacked Ghost Pepper Cookie.

"UGH!" Ghost Pepper was injured.

Licorice Cookie turned to your party. "What are you waiting for?!" He shouted, wanting your party to start dealing damage.

Milk nodded. "Come on! Let's defeat him!"

Ghost Pepper Cookie grew annoyed. "This isn't over!" He disappeared like a ghost, and retreated.

"Licorice!" You ran to your lover, opening your arms.

Licorice Cookie caught you in his arms. "Love.."

"Hold on, isn't he also a bad guy?" Chili Pepper Cookie asked, raising an eyebrow.

Madeline nodded. "Yeah! Why are you hugging him?" He asked you.

Licorice Cookie rolled his eyes. "We need to explain, huh? No more hiding?" He looked at you and smiled.

You gave a little giggle. "Yeah. Guys, this is my lover, Licorice." You awkwardly explained. "You guys have met."

"Obviously." Chili Pepper Cookie said.

Milk Cookie came up to you two. "So, how did you both meet?" He smiled gleefully.

"In the forest, we kinda clicked that day." Licorice chuckled.

Madeline put the pieces together. "Oh! That's why you kept leaving!" He pointed at you.

"Yeah.!" You nodded, confirming.

Let's just say, you both told your love story to your party until the sun went down.


𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐!

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