꒰ watch you sleep ꒱ - mina.

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꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃 "I don't ever wanna leave, I wanna watch you sleep."

꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃 watch you sleep ⸝⸝ mina

꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃song of the day: "watch you sleep." by girl in red

꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃Lyrics in bold + italics: "watch you sleep." by girl in red

꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃Words in bold: Y/N and Mina's Quotes.
ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ. ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ. ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ. ㆍ.

The mornin' sun
Shines on your skin
'Cause your white curtains
They are, paper thin

I breathed softly as I heard the soft song play on our Google Home. It was weird to arrive home later than usual and not hear her voice; Mina's soft and harmonious voice. The house was oddly quiet as my shoe soles clacked against the wooden stairs that I was climbing. Where could she be? She's usually awake by the time I arrive, especially when it comes to Fridays, when we cuddle together and talk about our day, our hopes, our dreams, and how we plan to prosper. The song played throughout the whole house via the ceiling Bluetooth speakers we had installed. I put my hair behind my back as I checked the living room, the attic, the basement, the bathroom, and our kitchen—but no sign of Mina whatsoever. There was only one room left: our room.

Windows open
I can feel the breeze
But we're safe here
Under the sheets

I slowly opened the door to our room, quickly feeling the air conditioner hit my face. I breathed and smiled to see how adorable she looked. I admired how beautiful she looked as her breathing pattern was stable and how softly she snored. I looked beside Mina and saw the notebook she always carries, and her handwriting followed by scribbles that were written in stanzas and verses. I smiled and gave her a small peck on her forehead, trying to not wake her up. Mina flinched and moved softly, still not opening her eyes to my touch. It must have been a tiring day for her.

I don't ever wanna leave
I'll watch you sleep
And listen to you breathe
I don't ever wanna leave
I'll watch you sleep
I'll watch you sleep

The air conditioner was as intense as before I had entered the shower. My hand intertwined in my hair as I tied it into a bun and looped it. My toes hurt as I tried to not make any sound to wake Mina up. It was hardly 11:18 p.m. and I missed her voice, but I know she works hard in the studio to give her best. It must be exhausting for her to do so much stuff in one day. I walked onto the empty side of the bed and grabbed her notebook and pen, placing them on the nightstand beside me. I wrapped myself in the thick sheets and gave Mina a peck on the shoulder as her limp body started taking motion of its own. Mina took in a deep breath and shifted to the other side, smiling softly at my image.

"Hey, babe," Mina smiled.

"Hello, Mina," I smiled back.

"How was work?" Mina asked, blinking many times to focus her vision on me.

I never get
Bored of lookin' at you
'Cause every time
I see somethin' new

"It was boring, you know. The usual. What about you?" I asked.

"Same. Today we practiced the new choreography and I had to do some other stuff on the studio," Mina answered. "It was exhausting, but I managed to do everything I had on standby."

"That's great. Did you eat well?" I asked.

"Yeah, I ate noodle with Chaeyoung and Nayeon today on the café near JYP today. They were good," Mina smiled, grabbing my hands. "What about you? What did you eat today?"

"I ate a steak with my boss today. It was really good," I answered. "I missed you today, though. You didn't call me and I got worried."

"Oh, babe, I'm sorry I worried you. Everything was so hectic today, and I barely had time to think," Mina explained.

"I get it. The life of a star must be tough," I said, sighing.

Mina pulled me closer and hugged me.

"Sharon?" I called, melting into Mina's embrace.

"Yes, Y/N?" Mina answered.

"Promise me something, okay?" I said.

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" Mina answered.

"Promise me you won't be so hard on yourself throughout day time. Promise me you'll take good care of yourself, that you'll eat your three meals, and that you will rest as much as you need. Promise me that, okay? Promise me," I ranted.

"Yes, sweetheart, I promise," Mina said, cuddling me, caressing my back.

Like the scar on your spine
You fell off your roof
When you were nine
You've lived a life
Before me

"I love you, Myoui Sharon Mina, more than everything else," I said.

"And I love you to the infinity and beyond, L/N Y/N," Mina answered. "And I will love you 'till the end of time, until the end of mankind and until the sky falls on top of me. You're the solution to all my problems, and you are the only thing that can make me as happy as a swan on a lake."

My eyes started to water when Mina spoke those beautiful words. I smiled to myself, trying to defeat the tears so late at night.

"You're the cause of my euphoria, Mina," I answered back, finding the words to describe how I felt.

"You're my end and my beginning, and even when I lose I'm winning," Mina quoted. "And I can't wait for the day when I see you walking on the altar with the white dress you have always wanted. L/N, meeting you was the best thing I ever did."

I sobbed happily at her words, biting my lip, trying to, once again, avoid the tears.

"Stop making me cry, Mina," I giggled between tears, finally giving up on the effect Mina's words had caused on me.

"Then don't cry, dummy," Mina teased smilingly, hugging me.

"But you really wanna marry me?" I asked reassuringly.

"Dummy, of course I do!" Mina answered back.

I smelled Mina's soft scent and held onto her as much as I could, not wanting to let go of her warm arms. I smiled at myself like a fool and tried to not be so sensitive so late at night. Mina and I cuddled and spoke about our future, our lives, our plans, and overall how much we wanted to be together until the day death knocked upon our doors. I listened to how her soft voice relaxed me and how all my pain and my sorrow evaporated once I was with her. Our conversation faded away once I yawned, making Mina smile.

"Looks like someone's sleepy now," Mina said.

"I'm not. Trust me," I answered.

"You are. Now, go to sleep," Mina said, cuddling with me once again.

"I love you, Sharon," I said, yawning once again.

"I love you, too, Y/N."

I don't ever wanna leave
I'll watch you sleep
And listen to you breathe
I don't ever wanna leave
I'll watch you sleep
I'll watch you sleep

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