꒰ female solidarity ꒱ - momo

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꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃 "My baby's fly like a jet stream."

꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃female solidarity ⸝⸝ hirai momo. 

꒰𖧧꒱ 𓂃 song for this chapter: "call it what you want" ⸝⸝ by taylor swfit. 

ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ. ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ. ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ.ㆍ. ㆍ. 

Every afternoon, after my classes at the university, I faced the same dilemma: Momo. She was a constant presence in my college life, a kind of thorn in my side who seemed determined to make my life impossible. But, in a strange way, I couldn't completely hate her.

Momo was everything opposite to me: disorganized, with a rebellious air and a carefree attitude that often bordered on irresponsible. I couldn't understand how someone could take life so lightly, without worrying about the consequences of their actions. And yet, there she was, always present in my life, irritating me with her sarcastic remarks and defiant attitude.

Despite it all, I must admit that Momo had her own charm. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous twinkle and her black hair fell in disheveled strands around her face, giving her an air of mystery and rebellion. And although her attitude annoyed me, I couldn't help but feel a strange fascination for her.

Our relationship, if it could be called that, was complicated. We were like two opposite poles, always colliding with each other in a whirlwind of irritation and frustration. And yet, there were moments when I could see beyond her sarcastic facade and notice a spark of something deeper in her eyes.

Everything changed one night, during a sorority party at the university. The music resonated in the air as Ji-young and I entered the sorority party together, surrounded by a crowd of laughter and lively conversations. Ji-young was my best friend, an outgoing and cheerful girl who always knew how to get me out of my shell and make me smile, even in the toughest times.

"I'm so excited to be here!" she exclaimed, her voice full of enthusiasm as she looked around with bright eyes. "We're going to have the best night of our lives."

I nodded with a smile, feeling grateful to have her by my side. "We'll stick together all night," I promised, feeling the security of her friendship wrapping around me like a warm blanket.

But then, in the blink of an eye, everything changed. Amidst the bustle of the party, Ji-young took a wrong turn and disappeared from view among the crowd, leaving me alone in the midst of chaos. My heart suddenly raced, feeling a flash of panic as I frantically scanned the room for my lost friend.

"Damn," I muttered to myself, trying to stay calm as I made my way through the crowd in search of her. "That was fast."

And then, suddenly, I saw her. Through the mass of bodies and laughter, her blue eyes shone like beacons in the darkness, drawing me towards her like an irresistible magnet: Momo.

Our eyes met in an instant, and I felt as if time stood still around us. There was something in her gaze, a mischievous and defiant spark that took my breath away, shaking the foundations of my being with its intensity.

"Y/N," said Momo, her voice soft but confident as she approached me with a playful smile on her face. "Didn't expect to see you here."

I swallowed nervously, struggling to maintain my composure as I met her penetrating gaze. "Same here," I replied with a raised eyebrow, my voice barely a whisper amidst the party's bustle. "Except I actually did."

Momo stopped in front of me, her eyes gleaming with amusement as she looked at me teasingly. "What's wrong? You lost?" she asked with a playful smile, her tone tinged with playful mockery.

I furrowed my brow slightly, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as I struggled to maintain composure in front of her. "No, of course not," I replied, trying to sound confident despite my nerves.

Momo chuckled softly, her laughter filling the air around us. "Well, then, how about we have some fun tonight?" she suggested, her gaze fixed on mine with an intensity that took my breath away.

As we looked at each other, a spark of complicity shone between us, fueling the game of teasing and provocation that always seemed to flourish between Momo and me. Although we were like oil and water, we couldn't help the magnetic attraction that bound us, a heady mix of irritation and fascination.

"Have fun?" I repeated incredulously, arching an eyebrow as I looked at her skeptically. "With you around, fun seems guaranteed."

Momo burst out laughing, her laughter filling the air with vibrant energy. "Oh, come on, Y/N," she said with a mischievous wink, her voice soft but full of fun. "You know you can't resist my charm."

I rolled my eyes in exasperation, trying to ignore the anticipation tingling inside me. "Don't get it twisted, honey," I replied, my tone teasing but playful. "Your 'charm' is more like a persistent nuisance than anything else."

She laughed again, her eyes sparkling with mischievous light as she leaned a little closer. "Ah, don't be so stubborn," she said with a playful smile on her face. "I know you adore me."

I shook my head with a smile, unable to contain my own laughter at her cheekiness. "Can't stand you. You and your delusions of grandeur," I murmured with a feigned sigh.

Momo laughed, her laughter resonating in the air around us as we immersed ourselves in a familiar dance of teasing and responses. Despite our differences and our disputes, there was something in the connection between us that killed me.

As we delved into the crowd, the touches of some men began to increase, creating an uncomfortable and tense atmosphere around us. I could feel the change in the air, Momo's gaze hardening as she moved alongside me, like a protective shield against unwanted harassment.

Suddenly, without warning, Momo took my hand firmly, intertwining our fingers tightly as she looked at me with a determined expression on her face. I caught my breath at her gesture, surprised by her sudden act of protection.

She gave me a fierce look, her eyes sparkling with determination. "No one's going to touch you."

My cheeks warmed with surprise at her gesture. Despite our differences, there was something about the way Momo held onto my hand tightly, as if she was willing to protect me.

Together, we made our way through the crowd, Momo's hand in mine providing a sense of security and calm amidst the chaos around us. Her eyes scanned the crowd with determination, searching for the group of friends she belonged to, and I knew she would do everything in her power to keep me safe.

Finally, after a few minutes of frantic searching, we spotted our friends in a secluded corner of the party, laughing and chatting animatedly among themselves. Momo gave me a triumphant smile before guiding me towards them, her hand still intertwined with mine, and I knew that with her by my side, there was nothing we couldn't face together.

As we approached my friends' group, Ji-young was the first to notice our unusual closeness and wasted no time in making a comment about it.

"What's going on here?" she asked with a mischievous smile, her eyes dancing with amusement as she looked at Momo and me. "Are you practicing for the couples dance contest?"

My cheeks flushed immediately at her joke, and I tried to divert attention from the situation with a nervous laugh. "Don't be so ridiculous," I murmured, giving Momo a warning look not to feed the fire further.

But Momo, as expected, didn't seem to be affected by my friends' comments. Instead, she laughed softly and shrugged indifferently.

"What? Never heard of female solidarity?" she replied with a playful smile on her face. "We just slipped away to a corner to smooch a little bit. Right, darling?"

My friends' laughter filled the air around us, and I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment at their attention. The echo of her statement echoed in the air around us, and I knew my friends were enjoying the show, fueling the gossip fire with a malicious laugh.

"Momo, please!" I protested, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as I struggled to maintain composure in front of their provocations. "We were going well."

But Momo just laughed, her laughter filling the air around us as we immersed ourselves in a familiar dance of teasing and responses.

Despite our differences, there was something in the connection between us that killed me.

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