C̆̈ȃ̈Ⓥ︎𝗂Tⁱ𝑒𝕤 Pt.1

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3rd person PoV

Finally, morning rised as a man got out of bed and started getting ready for his day.

The man woke up his smaller, older brother a bit pissed off.

"It's 7:20 get up!!", The man yelled.
"No...its...waayyy to...early .", The man's brother groaned.
"ON YOUR FEET!!!", The man yelled.

The small man got up quickly and stands straight.

"If I see you slacking again I'll beat the living hell out of you!", The man warned.
"Yes sir!", The smaller man yawned sarcastically.

The taller man sighed and grabbed his scarf and jacket.
"I'm leaving clean this damn living room it looks like a pigs stable.", The man groaned.
"Yeah yeah whatever.", The small man stretched yawning.

The two men were named sans and papyrus.
What odd names I know.

Papyrus or edge as many people call him.
Was around 6,2, he had white hair always done, had a scar over his left eye, always wore black with something red, had a very short temper, and bossy as anything.

Sans or red was 5,5, had white messy hair, had a toothy grin along with a golden tooth, always wore a hoodie and shorts, and lazy as hell.

Edge put on his jacket and scarf and walked out the door and, went on a small walk.

He went to a small cafe just to get something to eat when he saw him.

A tall man around his height, white messy hair, had an orange oversized jacket, brown cargo shorts, and a tired look.

"Not this guy again.", Edge sighed and went inside trying not to make eye contact.

"Oh hey edge Lord!!", The tired man smiled.
"Damn it!", Edge muttered.

The tired man walked up to edge to appear a bit taller than him.

"What brings you here?", The man slurred his words.
"Just getting something to eat. What about you? Imbicile", Edge grumbled.
"Oh getting a doughnut for my brother. And my nickname is carrot edge Lord.", The man slurred again.

His breath smelled of cigarettes and drugs.
Edge hated the smell of drugs and cigarettes.

"Back up you smell.", Edge grouched
"Oh yeah had a cigarette before I came in.", Carrot said backing up a bit.
"You smoked pot didn't you?", Edge gagged.
"Yeah. That was last night though edgy.", Carrot slurred and smirked.
"Don't call me that.", Edge jerked back a bit.

Carrot shrugged and payed for his things.
"Uh. You have any honey packets?", Carrot asked slurring his words more.
"No sir we don't. Sorry!", The worker said smiling awkwardly.
"It's fine.", Carrot sighed and left.

Edge finally took a huge sigh since he was holding his breath.

He ordered his food, payed, and left with just a 𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥(I'm stupid ok) and coffee.

Edge walked by carrot in an alleyway smoking weed.(SMOKE WEED EVERY DAY XD)

"That's bad for you stupid.", Edge grumbled and stands on the opposite side of carrot.
"Hey, I mean I got all day so I can get high.", Carrot giggled and smoked.

Edge took the wretched drug and threw it.

"I'm not gonna be those idiotic people and let you smoke yourself to death!! Plus the smell is WRETCHED!!! YOUR BROTHER WOULD BE ASHAMED!!", Edge started to shout.

"Awe you care.", Carrot smirked.

Carrot chuckled and pinned Edge to the alleyway wall and got very close.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?", Edge yelled his face turning red.
"First, don't tell me what I can't do.
Second, my brother will never find out.
Third, keep that mouth shut.", Carrot glared into edges eyes getting closer.

Edge became tense and blushed madly.

Finally, carrot let go of edge and walked off.

Edge stood there red as hell pondering what to do.

About a minute went by and Edge finally made up his mind and went home.
"Sans I'm back.", He quivered.

His brother red was asleep on the couch, the room looked like a huge mess.
"I told you to clean this damn mess.", Edge growled.

He sighed and went to his room just to think.

"What on earth just happened.", He questioned.

He kept thinking and thinking to have no salution.

"I-....I should try to rest on this.", Edge sighed.

He laid down on his bed and slowly fell asleep.

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