Chapter 16: The Interrogation

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Bree shuts the door of her locker after lunch and on her way to English class. She peeps at her phone, one new message from Jordan popping up on screen. She sighs of relief, scared that yesterday's message after the funeral somehow popped up again. She deleted it right away, attempting to convince herself that she doesn't know a single thing about what this A person could be talking about. The only person outside the four of them that knew about the Remy Thing is Ali and she's dead. Which means no one else could possibly know.

"Bree, there you are," her brother says, stopping her in her tracks as he comes out of the teacher's lounge, papers fresh off the copier in his hands.

"Hey, Cam."

"I tried catching you at home but you were already gone when I left."

"What's up?"

"I saw Carter talking to you at the funeral yesterday," he begins, a worry wrinkle forming between his eyebrows. "And I was just wondering what he was saying. You and your friends looked a little worried."

"Old friends," she corrects, though she kind of feels shameful right after. She tosses her orange hair over her shoulder. "And yeah, he works with the police now or something. Said that we needed to be prepared for questioning about Ali's murder."

"Not only is he a cop now, but he's still the same dick he's always been." Cameron rolls his eyes and Bree grins.

"You were friends with so-called dick," she reminds him jokingly.

"I'm aware." He wears a pinched smile. "But let me know if he gives you a hard time, okay? Carter has a way of being... aggressive."

She arcs her brow. "Aggressive?"

"When he wants to know the truth, he does whatever he needs to make sure he gets it," Cameron tells her after a beat, stepping out of the way of a science teacher rolling a projector down the hall. "And now that he's one of the lead detectives or whatever on Alison's case, it wouldn't shock me if he started bringing stuff up about the past. About you girls."

"We told the truth when we talked to the police after Ali went missing," Bree quickly defends herself and the others, almost feeling like a wolf protecting her pack. "We have nothing to be scared of."

Cameron holds his hands up in defense, the papers folding in his grip. "I'm just telling you to let me know if he tries anything."

The bell rings and Cameron stalks off down the hall. Bree flicks a strand of hair away from her face, picking up the pace on the way to Farrah's class. She is not going to let someone like Carter Bass scare her into admitting something she isn't guilty of. It's not like he knows anything about Remy Thorne and the only way he's going to know is if one of Bree's old friends mentions something to him-- in which they won't. None of them are that stupid.

Bree ducks her head just after the last bell rings and she plants herself down in the desk next to Ellery. She glances around at Neah, already taking notes on whatever bullshit Farrah is feeding to them, Sabrina idly doodling in the margins of her notebook, and Dakota is slouched in the front row, studying a troll doll in her hands.

"We haven't gotten to this part of the book yet, but one of my favorite quotes in the world is 'You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view'," Farrah says from the front of the room, her paperback copy of To Kill a Mockingbird in her hand. "It's relevant to everyday life. We, as people, are so quick to judge others when we never really know their full story."

"May the following students please report to the principal's office," Mr. Appleton, Rosewood High's principal, announces over the P.A system. "Dakota Winthrop, Bree Veluz, Sabrina Mendes, and Neah Dameron. Please report to the principal's office."

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