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It doesn't mean because you're an honor student you have to be perfect like you shouldn't forget the name of your adviser next, you shouldn't copy the answer of your classmate and most of all, if the teacher gonna ask you something, you should answer it well. In my perspective, teacher should understand their student specially this time of pandemic we're in modular learning and we're not familiar to our adviser so, I hope teacher will understand specially when the student is oblivious . Instead of SCOLDING them, BLAMING them, GOSSIPING them, my beloved teacher, please help them. Grades didn't measure someone's intelligence but a measure of diligence.

I'm posting this because I want to spread AWARENESS to teacher and LOVE to students, I know not all teacher is like that but my teacher and others are like that, instead of helping them to reach their students dream, seems like some teachers are pulling their students down. To those students, you may now experiencing stress, depress, or disappointment I just want you to know be brave and always remember your EFFORTS and your PURPOSE to reach your dream or goals, I know you can't deny and elude to be affected in what people say to you, but believe in yourself and always pray.

To my teacher, please, stop GOSSIPING the honor student in our school when they made a mistake, we're not perfect. Sometimes I realize it is better to have a grade that is line of 8 than line of 9 so people won't mind your actions. Now tell me, who said that honor student is easy?


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