Chapter Seven

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The exact moment the girl went out of the coffee shop, Yuta was surprised to see Johnny standing outside of the shop with his watch on. Is he taking a soul nearby? Or is he here to ask for help again? Yuta gestured to the back of the shop, away from other people, and told Jungwoo that he'll just take a quick break.

Johnny immediately showed his watch blinking orange in color and a name. "Maybe you know who this is." What is this? Just a name. No location? This is weird. The first time he encountered something like this.

"Y/N?" A cold wind blew and a shiver can be felt in his spine. Weird. His heart thumped fast as his head throbbed. Johnny checked if he's okay and Yuta nodded. This is just a stinging pain. "I'll let you know."

But the pain in his head didn't go away when he spotted Jungwoo talking to someone. Another sting on his head can be felt when the said guy turned to him. "Yuta, he's here to look for doctor Y/N." Y/N? Her name is Y/N? Fuck! She's the one Johnny is looking for? Orange? She's in danger.

His smartwatch blinked green, the name of the high school girl and a location. "Fuck!" And although his head was throbbing hard, he drove the motorbike to the pinned location.

Yuta was a warrior, that was what he believed in. He used his sword in every way he could, even killing people who blocked his way. He's unstoppable, him and his sword together.

"Kill the king." A booming voice ordered, "You're the greatest swordsman there is. You can do this easily."

And he can. He believed that.

Another throb on his head as another scene came in his mind.

It was Spring, the flowers blooming inside the walls of the castle. Being one of the castle guards, he was tasked to just guard people coming in and out of the castle. This will be a perfect time to do his job, to let the rebels enter the castle to kill the king.

A rustling can be heard as he saw a silhouette emerging from the shadows. He took out his sword, the sound of the metal stopping the person from moving. "Who are you?" The person turned to him, a girl in a hood. Before she could utter a word, he heard some people shouting for the princess.

The girl ran to hide behind the shed, away from the light. She's the princess? What is she doing outside?

"You!" A royal guard called. "Have you seen the princess?" Some palace maidens were behind him, looking worried. He shook his head, "Let me know if you see the princess." Yuta nodded. The older passed by him, followed by six other women who were shouting for the princess.

Once they were out of sight, the woman went out of the dark shed. "Thank you. Thank you. I owe you." She was holding a lot of things, probably stealing things from the palace. Is she really the princess?

He held her wrist, a bold move that might get him in trouble if someone sees them. "Where are you going?" She didn't answer, instead just stared at him. "Are you really the princess?"

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry."

"I'm coming with you." The girl didn't say anything and just nodded at him. She walked on the back of the palace where some of the ladies-in-waiting go out at night. Yuta was bewildered. He's sure she had done this a lot of times before. She knew where to hide when royal guards came and before exiting the palace, she asked him to leave the guard hat.

The town is different than the usual towns Yuta had gone to, some of it ending in complete wreckage or burned to the ground after all people were killed. When he kills the king, he's sure this town will be the same as others.

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