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"GOJO, YOU LITTLE SHIT." You said through gritted teeth as you noticed the empty tupperware of cookies in your cupboard. You grabbed it and threw it to the taller male who easily dodged it as if he was expecting it.

"I'm taller than you, Y/n~"

"Still a little shit. You- tsk- ugh- never mind!" You huffed as you plopped down on the sofa beside him. "You better buy me new ones."

Ever since you first had an interaction with Gojo, the said male kept barging in randomly inside your apartment, the two of you became close friends because of that. You noticed that Gojo secretly finds amusement in annoying the shit out of you.... How annoying right?

You kept clicking your tongue and looking away from the annoying male, not bothering to talk to him and instead put your attention to Rex who was in between you and Gojo.

"Y/nnn, I'm bored."


"Y/n, let's go play a  game. It's called 'say all the things you like about Gojo Satoru'!" Gojo clapped his hand and looked at you grinning.


"Oi, oi, don't ignore me~ I'll get upset~"

'Fuck you, you ate my cookies' you said in your mind before huffing again.

You heard a familiar clink of cookies against the metal box, meaning Gojo bought you some. You whipped your head so fast and you met eyes with a smirking male.

"You're like a kid, Y/n." Gojo chuckled as he gently shook the box of cookies. "Want some?"

"Gimme." You raised your arms to grab it but he quickly raised it up so you won't reach it. 

"Ah ah ah, not yet."

You raised your brow at him, clearly unamused. After a couple seconds, you slowly exhaled. "Rex."

Rex immediately perked up and looked at you before giving a small bark, he looked happy as he tilted his head a bit. Slowly raising your finger, you pointed it at Gojo, Rex who was watching you the whole time, never took his eyes off your hand.

Unconsciously jutting your bottom lip into a pout, you spoke in a serious tone, never leaving your gaze  into Gojo's beautiful sapphire eyes. "Attack."

Gojo burst into a pit of laughter and easily caught Rex before the poor dog can pounce on him. He gently bonked your head with the box of cookies before grinning at you. "Hai hai, you could have just said please but here you go."

You spent the rest of the day happily munching on cookies as you and Gojo watched a movie. Rex calmed down after a  bit, secretly glancing at the white-haired male before relaxing back on the sofa.

You're annoying but I like you(Gojo x Reader)(Neighbor Au)Where stories live. Discover now