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hoong: so, its been a week and some of us met each other already
hoong: i think we're moving a bit too fast

hwatthefuck: you think?

yuni: i think its only you five
yuni: plus seonghwa

donkey: i mean, it must be faith lol
donkey: you're our bitchass teacher

hoong: language

donkey: sure will captain america

hoong: stop
hoong: nicknames are my thing

donkey: well its mine too

fix_on_bitch: damn who pissed in your cereal this morning

donkey: im always like this

hwatthefuck: its true
hwatthefuck: he's always a douchebag

donkey: uh- rude?

hwatthefuck: well so are you
hwatthefuck: and im one of the nicest and one of the most tolerable person here

fix_on_bitch: you acted like a boastful jackass when we first met

donkey: "im the heir im better than you"

hwatthefuck: actually it was "bow down" get the loki reference right this time birdbrain

donkey: actually his line was "kneel"

hwatthefuck: same shit

hoong: again with the pop culture references

yuni: woah why is everyone so violent today

hoong: like we would know, robin

yuni: stop with the nicknames

hoong: never

yuni; but don't you think woosansang has been very quiet today

donkey: don't assume anything
donkey: i know yeosang

hwatthefuck: wooyoung and san are still probably asleep idk?

fix_on_bitch: its fucking 12 pm

donkey: yeosang left earlier again 💃
donkey: i saw him while getting coffee from the vending machine

yuni: what are you guys like irl tho?

donkey: what you wanna kidnap us?

yuni: what the fuck

hoong: jongho is kinda okay-ish irl
hoong: average grades, not too smart not too stupid

donkey: and im also nice

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