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Jules P.O.V

Today we get a day off so me and the girls decided to go shopping.  I woke up at 9 am and saw that y/n wasn't in her bed so I decided to go get ready, I threw on some sweats and jeans with white dripcreation shoes.  I went to Lexi's room to see if she was ready, she was just finishing up her make up then I went to Millie and Sadie's room and they were trying to find their wallets which they can't seem to find.  

I went downstair to see y/n on her phone cuddling with Will on the couch, "So, y/n" I said disturbing their little moment "Do you want to vlog today, I'll edit it for you if you want"

y/n jumped at my voice "Uh, yeah, sure" she stuttered "I could just use my phone right?" 

"yep" I replied when Millie and Sadie came down the stairs "Do you guys have backpacks?" Sadie asked grabbing a bottle of water from the kitchen counter and putting it in her bag "Yeah" me and y/n said at the same time "I'll go get it" y/n said 

"ok" I told her "Can you get mine too?"

"Yeah sure" she said as she walked upstairs, and since she was gone I decided to bug Will about her "So Will" I said sitting back on the couch "How are you and y/n doing?"

"Um...it's good? I guess" Will said nervously "Why are you asking me"

"I dunno, because you both clearly like each other and you won't stop looking at her" I said making him blush "It's been 3 weeks since I met her" he said looking back at his phone "But like you guys kissed twice and one of the 2 time you made out with each other."

  "Actually we kissed 3 times" I blurted "shouldn't have told you that, honestly your like a annoying little sister"

"When did you guys kiss, you kissed on set yesterday and the day before but-" I was cut off by him

"Yesterday morning before I silly stringed you" Will replied blankly, that was when y/n walked down the stairs and handed me my backpack, "alright see you Will" Jules said getting up

"Seeya" y/n said getting her phone from the couch next to Will

We all headed out the door a Millie in the lead followed by Sadie and Lexi then me and y/n

"So y/n" I decided to bug her too "I heard you can Will kissed 3 times"

"Um" she stuttered "yeah, Why" she tried to act casual but failed

"Is Will is good kisser?" I asked

"WHAT?" she said in surprised "wh-why are- why does it matter"

"i dunno" I said "he's like a brother to me"

"kiss him yourself then" she said "as much as I love you, you annoy me about my love life too much" I laughed at her statment, even though she was half a year younger than me she was really mature "please" I begged her "Fine" she said blushing "I mean I guess he's a good kisser, I mean I never kissed anyone else" 

"we're here!" Millie said when we got to the mall

Y/n P.O.V

"We're here" Millie said once we got to the mall and of course the first place the girls went to was the makeup store everyone was looking at their makeup and what they wanted to buy but I just sat on a stool and waited for them

"Come on y/n" Sadie said "Get some makeup"

"No" I said "I don't need it, besides why would need to wear it when I have such natural beauty" I did a hair flip making Lexi and Jules laugh "I said the same thing as you when I was your age" Lexi said looking through some lipstick  "should I get this shade or this shade" she said picking out lipsticks with almost identical colors "There's no difference in the shades" I said "Why does it matter"

Until the End | William Franklyn MillerWhere stories live. Discover now