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James stared at me dumbfounded like it was the first time that he'd ever receive a rejection. I hate this, would I look like a challenge for him to conquer?

But when he seems to recover his composure, he offers the dazzling smile that could make any women swoon over him. I hate that smile. Hate that annoying face.

"Well, that could be arranged. Maybe, after several dates with me. You will fall for me, too."

Fall? Then what? Played me like those women then tell your infamous line, 'Don't fall for me or I'll leave you in end?' Oh, come on.

He tried to touch my hand again but stops when I stomped on his foot. That annoying foot keeps on playfully kicking mine that it annoyed me to the core. Now I regretted not wearing that heels. I could have been break his bones if I choose to wear that. I smiled when he groans from my heavy stomp. Hehe. I'm professional to this, especially in my world where perverts exist in the bus and stations.

"You know, I like challenging women but you seem a little sadistic for my taste. Could you lay down your attitude for a bit?"

I put both my hands under my chin and stared at him with an evil smile on my lips. "Hoh! Really? You don't like sadistic people?"

Yeah. He hates it. It was said in the book as his background story that what he hates the most are sadistic people because he met once when he was a child in the person called nanny. That old woman was a sadist but I don't go to such an extent. I'm only like this to the man in front of me.

I could swear that he turned pale. Oops? Did I go overboard again? I stand up and about to leave when he stopped me by holding my hand.


I look at our hand then at him that can't meet my eyes like he was afraid. "If I said that I don't like it and I fear sadist people. Would you change for me?"

He like a lost puppy just like in the story when he confesses this to the female lead. If I remember correctly, the female lead said these words to him. "It's okay. Nightmares are only dreams that passed by to be forgotten. I'm here, I won't leave you"

That sucks. So cheesy.

I reach his hands on mine and coldly look at him.

"If I am someone you hated the most, would still like me? You said that what you fear the most are sadistic people? If I don't change, will that means that you would stay away from me? That would be good news for me but if you like to butt into my life, try to conquer your fears because you don't ask the person you like to change just because you don't like that side of her. You should accept it and try to live with it", I said taking his hands off mine.

I didn't try to glance at him and continue to walk away from him.


"How is JC to your taste?" my dad asked excitedly when he enters my room.

"Flirt", I said in a bored tone.

Dad laughs like he knew that I'm going to say this. "Yeah. That's what Jaimee told me. But you should try to know him, maybe, there are sides of him that you don't know yet"

I rolled my eyes and turn to my book again. I know very well every side of him and I know that he's not serious with me. He is only cut for the female lead.

"Come on sweetie. Should you know the contents first before you judge the book?" dad said after snatching the book on my hand.

I sigh.

If you only knew dad.

"Fine. But if that man isn't worthy of my time. Don't try to convince me again to marry someone I don't like"

"Okay", he smiled. I smiled too inside. I know who he is and I know very clearly that he isn't worth it. So I'll just waste my time I guess.

to be continued...

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