The attack - Part 10.

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Nancy's point of view;

'Somehow the Demogorgon is still here,' Steve tried to explain it. 'and it took Jonathan to the Upside Down.
I was shocked. I thought we killed that thing. But it's still there, and it took Jonathan.
'We have to save him.' Robin said.
'But how?' Steve asked.
'Like a few years ago!' I shouted.
'Quiet!' Robin said.
'They'll think we're talking about Dungeons and Dragons!' Steve said. 'That's the game's name right?'
'The Demogorgon can open gates,' I explained. 'We have to lure it, and go through it's gate!'
'How do we lure it?' Robin asked.
'Blood!' Steve and I said at the same time.
'It can smell blood!' Robin realized. 'But where do we get blood from?'
'Three years ago Jonathan and I cut our hands!' I said. 'The Demogorgon semelled our blood's smell! Like a shark!
'Then we only need a safe place, weapons, and a knife!' Robin said.
'Exactly!' I said.
'The junkyard!' Steve said. 'That'll be perfect! That's where we fought with the Demodogs too!'
'I'll get a gun!' I said.
'I'll find my bat!' Steve said.
The good old spiked bat! Steve kept it, what if he needs it again... I hoped he wouldn't need to use it again, but now he does!
'I think my dad has a gun, because he usually goes hunting, I'll bring that!' Robin said.

We went home to get the weapons, I even brang two knives. In the shed I found my gun. It was under a blanket in a box, my parents still don't know about it. I left a message on a paper, saying I'll sleep at Robin's, then I went back to the park, from where we went to thhe junkyard.

'Don't we need the others?' Robin asked.
'No.' I said. 'What if they get in trouble? We have to go tothe Byers house, and then the Upside Down! Right now only Eleven could help?
'Now what?' Steve asked. 'We'll just simply leave?'
'Do you have a better idea?' I asked. 'Because if not, than we'll do this! And I hink it would be better to go to the Byers' and open the gate there, because it would be hard to get there in the Upside Down, without getting eaten.'
'I agree!' Robin said.

Steve didn't had no idea, so we got in his car, and went to the Byers house.

Robin's point of view;

We've been going for a while now, it became dark outside. I was sitting in the front, Nancy was sleeping in the back, and Steve was driving.

'Do you think she still loves him?' I asked.
'Who loves who?' Steve asked back.
'Nancy, Jonathan. I'm scared if they'll meet again they'll get back together and Nance dumps me. I mean, it would be so much easier for her, since Jonathan is a boy...' I said.
'Robin...' Steve said. 'Nancy loves you with her whole hear. She wouldn't leave you for anyone.'
'But... She really loved Jonathan...' I wispered.
'Don't even continue.' Steve said. 'Nancy would never leave you for anyone. It's visible, you are the most important person for her.'
'But what if Jonathan tries to get her back?' I asked. 'Why wouldn't he? Nancy's perfect.'
'Than you won't let him.' Steve said.

We talked for a bit, then I fell asleep too.

'Girls! We arrived! Wake up!' Steve shaked us gently.
'Good morning!' Nancy yawned.
'You too!' I said as I stretched my arms.
'Come on!' Steve said.

We were standing in front of the new house, Will and El came out of the door.
'Hii!' Steve hugged them.
'Hi!' Nancy and I said.
'Hello!' they said.

They explained everything, Will even put up coffee for us. Joyce thinks Jonathan is sleeping over athis best friend, Argyle, so she won't worry herself to death. I don't know how did that poor woman stand all the nerves when Will disappeared. I would have probably gone insane.

Nancy, Steve, Eleven and I went to the garden, and we took out the weapons, and knives.
'I'll do it, you don't have to.' I said. I didn't wanted Nancy to cut her hand. She still has the old one's wound.
'You don't have to worry about me this much.' she said. 'This is only a cut, I'll survive.'
'Are you sure?' I asked.
'Yes.' she said.

After we cut our hands we only needed to wait. While waiting Will ran in the house, and took out some christmas lights.
'We can keep up with where it is.' he said. 'We put it on the ground like a fishnet, and when it starts to flicker we'll run.'

We weren't scared the neighbors would see us, the noises were far more concerning.

Nancy and I couldn't help because the wound, but the others put up the christmas light-net very fast. Not that long time after it, it started to flicker and the Demogorgon appeared.

When we thought we could do it, the Demogorgon caught Will, and tried to take him back to the Upside Down. I shot it with my gun, but then I realized it's body is bulletproof. The Demogorgon turned it's head to me, dropped Will, and started approaching me.
'Robin!' Nancy shouted, and she started to shoot the Demogorgon too. The monster now choose Nancy as it's target, who took a matchbox out of her pocket, and lit a match. She swung it in the Demogorgon's direction, which's survival instincts turned on, and it started running away. It went back to the Upside Down, and closed the gate.

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