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sunghoon liked to believe he was an approachable guy

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sunghoon liked to believe he was an approachable guy. even if sunghoon was quite reserved around big groups he didn't know, he would always make it a goal to be polite. he would even say he was quite a well-known face throughout his school career. it was known during his high school years that he was prince-like. this made it easy for others to be enticed into his given beauty.

with this implied, getting some alone time to himself was barely achievable when he was at school. confession after confession came to him, but this also meant, rejection after rejection.

it wasn't that the girls and guys that did confess were bad, it just upsets sunghoon that most of the time it was because of his looks and only that. he rather dates someone who he knew rather than just a blind hookup.

as the years went by he slowly started losing interest in finding love. every person just saw him as an athletic visual.

but that was the past, sunghoon was already in his second year of college, studying under the performing arts major. the boy was pretty much handed a scholarship due to his past with ice skating.

when he first started college he thought that what he had encountered in his past education days would be different, but sadly, he was greeted with the same thing.

it was mainly girls in his class who would always try seducing him as if that would immediately work to their advantage. but to be honest, sunghoon disliked those types of people.

today was no different from last semester, it was just now, there were even more first-year girls who noticed the boy.

he could hear the faint whispers like, "he looks so heavenly", "is he taken already?", or even "i wonder if he is good in bed"

it always bothered him when he did hear those uncomfortable conversations of his fellow students, but thankfully he knew one person in this department that he could rely on...

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