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  "I ASK YOU PEOPLE TO KILL one stupid girl. You come back to me telling me two of my best men are dead and the bitch has escaped."

His men glanced at each other, before nervously staring at their boots. His fists clenched. "Useless, I say. All of you are useless. And now the girl has escaped. She has many, many dangerous friends in this country, damn you. This would not be easy."

"She was wounded badly, sir," one of his braver men said. "She most likely wouldn't survive for long. She might be bleeding out in an alley at this very moment." He wished that were true, but he found it highly unlikely. Cassalyn Diao had always been very hard to kill. He knew people had tried, many, many times.

"Tell me the blade was at least poisoned."

His men's faces paled, and a few blanched. He let out a loud, loud groan. "Not even that? Just a stab? Nothing to ensure death? What happened to all the money I gave you for weaponry?"

Instantly, everyone started avoiding his eyes. He cursed himself for his carelessness. Crooks and mercenaries were never honest. Most likely the money had been spent on their mistresses and alcohol in some seedy tavern. He levered his glare at them, lingering on each of their faces, letting the moment intimidate and sink into each of them. He needed Cassalyn and Cirinique Diao dead. Both of them, preferably at the same time, and better off disguised as some silly attack or robbery. Both of them had many, many enemies out for their blood. It wouldn't be difficult to pin it on someone else.

It seemed as if these useless idiots would not be the ones to accomplish it. Perhaps he needed to call in a few bigger favours. He hadn't wanted to bother, but now he cursed his original laziness. Obviously, a few thugs off the streets of Sial Corner would not be enough to take down the Sable Cubs. He was a fool to have believed that. Even cornered, tired and wounded, Cassalyn Diao had managed to take down two of his men, left the other half in confusion and ran off. God knew what viper nest she was staying in to tend to her damned injuries. She had friends everywhere from the damned government to the shittiest hellhole in the country. She'd be impossible to find right now. It would take time to lure her back out. Perhaps she'll fancy herself the huntress instead of the prey and come back out.

Yes, that would most certainly work. Turning his back to the men, he let a faint smile curl itself on his face.

That would work most certainly well indeed.


"Well, it was about bloody time." That was Cadieux's rough voice. She'd recognise it anywhere. Cadieux had become the closest thing to a father in the past ten years. While she knew very well he didn't much approve of her activities in the past three, she knew he still cared. That was enough for her.

"Thank god." That was Marcus Dalton's voice, pure relief. A voice she hadn't heard for six years. It was slightly deeper than before, but that was expected. They'd all changed.

"Fucking—" Cassalyn's eyes snapped open as she gritted her teeth. "Bloody hell that hurts!"

Laurence Dumont was staring down at her, leaning forward on the bed, looking very much amused. His default state, she liked to think. It was a rare and dangerous day if Laurence Dumont was not smiling and grinning like an idiot. The bed she was lying in was very comfortable, Cass decided, though it didn't help with the agony in her arms. She spared a quick look down, peeking under the blanket, catching a glimpse of her limb wrapped in layers and layers of blood-soaked bandages. "Of course that's the first thing she says. You never change, do you, Cass dearest?"

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