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  "MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, m'lord," the tired sea captain shrugged. "We drop the passengers off and hit the hay right off, sir. Once they're off they ain't our responsibility no more." Marcus and Laurence had set off early evening, trying to catch hold of the crew of the ship Cass had taken to Arecia in an attempt to gain something. So far, nothing. The ship was a perfectly normal trading vessel, the kind that occasionally took passengers when the price was high enough. He learnt that Cass had paid very good coin, and asked that she be the only passenger. No, the captain didn't see or know if anyone was tailing her.

As expected, Marcus thought to himself, but bloody annoying right now. He pressed down his annoyance. "You saw nothing, then? No one following the lady? She just grabbed her things and went right off?"

"She paid us more than anyone else. We don't look a gift horse in the mouth, we don't, sir. Asking questions risk raising anger. Me and me men saw nothing, good sir."

Besides him, Laurence shrugged. "We're not going to get anything out of this." Before he could respond, Laurence threw a coin in the air, catching it with his other hand before dropping it in the eager captain's hand. "For your troubles." He grinned, flashing his perfect teeth. "Thanks for your time." It was his talent, always putting people at ease. Marcus didn't usually share it, unless he tried very hard. Even then, it was only enough to fool a few society matrons and missus.

The captain smiled back, showing his yellowed teeth. Marcus offered a polite nod and started walking away, before stopping and whipping his head around. "Wait! If anyone comes by and asks about the girl, will you come tell us? And not tell them anything? We'll pay you for it. No. 5 Borewood Street. Tell them Dalton sent you."

" 'course." The man grinned. "Me ship leaves in two days. If you need anything, we're here."

"Well, that was pleasant," Laurence murmured as the two men started back. "Money does solve everything, doesn't it?"

"Oh please," Marcus hissed. "The moment someone swings by with a bit of cash they happily give away all their secrets. Does privacy mean nothing to these people?"

"Privacy and secrecy are specialties of our work. Most people do not share the same ideas regarding it. Besides, anything can be bought, especially if you're not one of us. People need money, Dalton. That man probably has a family to feed, parents to take care of. Every dollar counts. Might as well hand some over while you're at it. Not like we'll miss it."

"When did you become so charitable?"

Laurence beamed. "I always am! Have you only just noticed?"

Marcus shook his head in disgust. "Pig," he muttered, though there was no heat in it. Laurence liked to play the rogue a bit too much. It was often a nuisance, but no one stopped him. Most of the ton liked it, and since Laurence most frequently spent his time among the aristocracy, it was a useful skill.

"We're out of options, then," Laurence hummed. "Cass must play bait. Not very fond of the idea, I must say. Though both of us will be protecting her. The Vallerings' ball would be safe. Her lovely assassin doesn't know where she is yet, but if it is a Saian nobleman..."

"They'll be there," Marcus finished. "Any nobleman worth a salt would be at the Vallerings' ball. Who do you think it is?"

"Honestly? This was most likely done for profit. I don't think one of the newly instated nobles would bother with a scheme like this, so we can cut all those out. If they don't have money, they go panting to the royal family. They wouldn't dare refuse. It's been ten years, but everyone remembers too vividly how to start a successful revolution. It's going to be an old nobility. One of the ones who were neutral in the revolution, maybe, or an exile, like our dear Diaos. Those wouldn't give two salts about the international repercussions should it truly come to air, just their own safety. Explains why the fact that the person's Saian was not hidden well, but their identity was. They're the only ones desperate enough to pull something like this anyways. Plenty of exiles around Gira. Island nations seem to be banished Saian aristocracy's favoured hosts."

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