Chapter 9 (Sword and Spear)

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

We all watched as my two childhood friend's Ieyasu and Sayo approach with there brand new weapon's they most definantly weren't made by old man Yagi.

Ieyasu:"Did you really think we were gonna let you hog the lime light?"

Ieyasu:"Did you really think we were gonna let you hog the lime light?"

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Ieyasu:"Well opinion's on my new sword and shield?"

Ieyasu:"Well opinion's on my new sword and shield?"

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Akame:"Very blue."

Ieyasu:"Well i did make them from blue crystalized steel so yeah there pretty blue."

Lubbock:"Hold on a macaroni minute! You made those by yourself?!"


Sayo:"I hate to admit it but he also made my new spear and did a damn good job at it

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Sayo:"I hate to admit it but he also made my new spear and did a damn good job at it."

Bulat:"So you're quite talented with building weapon's aren't you?"

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Bulat:"So you're quite talented with building weapon's aren't you?"

Ieyasu:"All three of us were taught how to make weapon's by grandmaster Yagi but a certant someone didn't pay attention in class. I'm talking to you Sayo."

Sayo:"*Nervous whistling*."

Tatsumi:"Well Sayo was never the kind to pay attention when it come's to making weapon's."

Sayo:"Moving on!"

Satoshi:"Well we should get moving Merraid likely has info on where we are now we shouldn't linger here any longer unless we want to get killed."

Susanoo:"Taeko said that she wasn't after you and Tatsumi due to you being family so you two are likely not in any immediat danger."

Tsukushi:"Regardless she's still very dangerous she can easly manipulate people offten she does it to women but she won't hessitate to manipulate a man and make him into her own personal assassin to do her bidding."

Sayo:"She ever touches my friend's and family i'll tear her to shread's."

Ieyasu:"Yeah don't mess with her she get's very serious very fast kinda like a yandere but not as psychotic."

Sheele:"Well i can't blame her she's been you and Tatsumi's friend for her whole life so she would be very protective."

Sayo:(That and without Ieyasu i don't know what i would do)

Satoshi:"Well i hate to break up this little reunion but we have to go and fast her team could be headed here now."

Ieyasu:"Then let's put a pep in our step and get moving."

All:"Roger that."

As we started back on the road i took a mental note. Sayo was weirdly close to Ieyasu and i have a feeling i know why. It's too obvious she most definantly like's him i mean she's like the typical tsundere that can go full yandere if need be i just hope she tell's him before he get's hurt.

Ieyasu's P.O.V

While we were walking i noticed that Sayo was oddly close to me even holding my arm. What was she doing?

Ieyasu:(What's going through your mind Sayo why are you so close is there something you're not telling me?)

Sayo:"Is there something wrong Ieyasu?"

Ieyasu:"No nothing at all just thinking."

Sayo:"About what?"

Ieyasu:"Nothing important we should just keep going we don't have time to waste."

Sayo:(Does he really know am i making it obvious maybe i should tell him it has to be soon or another girl might take him. Could i really handle take losing him to another girl?)

We continued to walk hopefully we'll make it to Merraid's base soon.

[Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter i'll see y'all later]

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