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(⚠️this includes sensitive topics such as r@pe {small scene but big emotional description}, sm0king, and SERVERE scenes of torture {from Lucifer to someone else it is included in the next chapter not this one} if uncomfortable with these topics you may stop reading at this sign and begin reading again once you see this sign )

Her bare body sunk into the lavender scented bathtub, it was warm and cozy. Like a blanket of comfort and care covered her entire body.

She had goosebumps, she sighed contently. This was what she wanted, time to herself after the long days she has had. Though you can't tell time very efficiently in hell she had been keeping tabs on the time on Earth and then doing the math. (I know the time is slower in hell but it's going to be opposite for the story)

One minute in hell was one hour on Earth, one hour on Earth was 1 day in hell. So on and so forth. She didn't mind it in hell, it was comforting for her. Heaven never felt quite like hell did.

Heaven was colder, you wore heavy and warm clothing because of this. It was always celebrating something, whether that be a new soul coming in, someone's birthday, or even just to celebrate their 'everlasting life.'

It was tough being in the middle of the two for she knew she would one day have to choose between the two. She didn't know if she could do it.

She opened her Hazel Green eyes to look out the window of her bathroom. No one could see in but she could see out. Aileth shifted in the bath, facing the window.

The flames over hell but the cold icy blue look mixed unfondly in her mind. I mean, it didn't look anything like what she had last seen it.


Hell was now cold but scorching hot, she furrowed her brows as someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" She called, moving to cover her upper parts as her lower were covered safely from the bubbles on top of the bath water.

The door opened slowly, as Crowly had walked in. (Picture above) With a scowl on his face he approached the bath.

Aileth covered more of herself and made an attempt to reach for the towel when a harsh grip on her wrist stopped her movements.

His piercing red eyes bore knives into her own, she couldn't fight back in her condition. Her powers had still not reflowed since their last encounter.

"How did you get in here??" She called out, "My maids should've stopped you!"

He smirked as he unbuttoned his shirt with one hand, "Oh she tried," he created a chain that connected to the ceiling, "but you know my powers Ali. You should've known."

Aileth pulled at the chains that now held her wrists together. She still was covered by the bath bubbles.

After he had thrown off his shirt and was left in his undergarments Crowley smirked again, "Awe, c'mon baby. What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Aileth gulped, she tried using her powers but ended up just creating small flames in her hands. Crowley got into the bath with her, rubbing her from her wrists to her waist which was hidden in the water.

He sucked on her neck as she spat at him in disgust, "You sick bastard."

He harshly grabbed her neck, most likely leaving a bruise, he squeezed as she choked out, "Don't speak to me like that you pathetic woman!"

She clenched her jaw and bit his arm, making him release her but the hold he had on her only made him more furious.

"I think it's time you had a punishment darling.."


Aileth laid sorely in her bed, she had locked the door and put her strongest men at the door. They were both highly concerned when she returned from her bath beaten and shaking.

They had called Amenadiel, afraid of what Lucifer might do to them. Aileth assured it was not their fault but told them in order to make it up they had to capture and seal Crowley away until the King had returned.

And yet, he hasn't...

So there she lay, her mind forcing herself to forget about the past but reminisce the pain of it. Bruises made my magic don't heal easily, the one on her neck and ribcage was the most apparent one.

Besides those, there were plenty covering her body. Lucifers Mark had been covered in a fit of struggling and jealousy. He had covered her Mark with his own, bruises and cuts littered her body like air particles in the sky.

She was broken, and he was satisfied with that.. he was okay with that, because he got what he wanted. Lucifers attention, and the satisfactory of a new body to add to his count.

She sat silent in her room, she didn't want to eat, if she did she feels as though she would throw up. She had only drank a glass of water and that was when she was given her pain meds (magic induced) and yet, she wasn't thirsty.

She wasn't hungry...

She wasn't sad...

She was.... broken...

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now