I was reading a book,it was really intresting when i heard sobs and crying my boyfriend came up to me,with no shirt and tears on his face. I saw him like this for the first time.
"Miles baby what's wrong?" he just pulled me into a soft hug and cried in my sweater. "Wh-why is everybody sc-scared of me?Am i scary?Everyt-time i wave at someone or say 'hi' th-hey look at me like i was mon-monster and then walk away w-w-with fear" he asked me in a shaky voice.I rubbed his back with my warm hand. He squeeze me stronger, this broke me, and my eyes began to water.
"W-what did i do? What did i do? What did i do?" he whispered and buried his head into my neck "You didn't do anything baby.They're just dumb,it's their fault. They don't deserve your lovely heart. They don't know you like i do,they don't know this cute boy with curly hair and smile that warm me up.I'm not scared of you Miles.You're my softie"I said as I pulled out of the hug and smiled at him
"I love you so so so so much,don't leave me please.I'll do everything,just don't leave.I'll kill myself if you leave"he said and pulled me into hug and then kissed my cheek
"I'm not gonna leave you Miles,i love you too much to leave."
"Miles?Don't cry please"soft voice interupt sound of sobing and crying
I looked at the door and there was little girl,Flora.
"Come here." she came up to us and hugged us both. "Flor sometimes people need to cry,to feel better" I taught her a new thing "ok,but don't cry often,cause then i want to cry"and she pulled of the hug
"I wuw you" soft voice said Miles and I pulled out of hug and looked at each other "We wuw you too Flor" we said together and chuckledA/n:sorry for mistakes :)