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Song: Put Your Head On My Shoulder

Summary: The reader watches the sunset with Johnny.

Request by staygoldlove

Reader's POV:

I was laying on my bed reading my favorite book waiting for Johnny to come over.

Me and Johnny have been dating for a very long time. We even said that we love each other finally.

Johnny Cade is my very first boyfriend. His greaser gang were all like brothers to me.

Most of the time we would watch the sunsets, stars, go to the dingo, or dairy queen, but he would also take me anywhere I wanna go because he didn't want me to feel like we do the same thing all the time or it was his way all the time.

He also never wanted me to feel used and less important. He wanted me to feel truly loved and cared for.

He wanted to me to look at the sunset with him tonight.

Johnny and I always liked watching sunsets together, it's both our favorite thing.

It's actually how we first met.

I remember the day I was in the park when he came up to me about his parents.


I was sitting down on the monkey bars looking at the sun slowly going down.

I've always been fascinated by sunsets. They're just so beautiful to watch.

I remember when my mom took me to watch the sunset when I was 7.

It was so amazing I thought.

I only listened to the wind blowing with the trees.

Then I hear a someone crying as I looked to see who it was.

It was a greaser boy.

He had a blue jean jacket, black medium greaser hair, and tan skin.

He was in the swings crying with his head down while sitting on his knees covering his face.

I jump down to go talk to him because he looks so upset about something and I wanna help.

I come up to him then sat down next to him.

He didn't hear me come so I had to put my hand on his shoulder.

He gasped in shock before looking up at me.

I got a better look at the boy.

The boy had chocolate brown eyes, his hair was curly almost covering his eyes, thin and round eyebrows, and a small scar on his face.

He kinda looks cute. Ok focus, y/n.

He even had a black eye on his left eye where I can see it.

Oh my God! What happened to this boy? There's no way he got in a fight because he's crying right now.

"W-w-who are you?" He asks me shyly.

"My name is y/n. Are you ok?" I tell him and ask him.

"N-no. I-I... I've been beat by my folks. My ma and pa." He tells me while crying.

I couldn't help, but not hug him. I feel so bad for this boy.

He hugs me back tightly, crying on my shoulder.

"Shhh. It's ok." I say while petting his hair.

"No, it wont be!" He let's me go.

"I've been abused all my life now. My folks never loved me because they didn't wanna have a child in their married life. Not only do I get abused, but since I'm a greaser I get beaten up by socs because I ain't tough. I wanna be tough, but I just can't." He says while crying.

I put my hand in his hand. I do have a crush on him, but I also wanted to hold his hand for comfort.

"Hey. Listen to me. I know that it sounds like you have a tough life, but you don't have to be tough. It's ok to be shy and scared. I know you dont know me, but I'll listen to you and help you." I tell him.

He smiles at me. Gosh he looks so cute! The boy then wipes his tears with his sleeve before giving me another hug.

I never believed in "love at first sight", but for some reason I believe in it now.

"Hey. Do you wanna watch the sunset with me in the lot? I'm sorry, it's just my favorite thing to do and you seem like a nice person." He asks me.

I chuckle and his cuteness and nervousness.

"Yeah. It's my favorite thing to do too." I say then we both get up to walk to the lot together.

"I'm Johnny by the way. Johnny Cade." He says having his hand out.

I shake his hand as we continued to walk.

End of flashback

Me and Johnny were sitting on the broken car seat in the lot watching the sunset.

The memory I have when we first met still was on my mind.

Johnny had his arm wrapped around me with my head on his shoulder.

We sure loved the sunset together. We loved each other so much.

He kisses me on the top of my head before having his free hand intertwine my fingers with his.


"Yes my love?"

"Do you remember the first day we met?" I ask him.

"Yes I do honey. That was also when we looked at our very first sunset together. I will never forget. And if I never met you, I wouldn't have realized how much someone does care for me. And that someone is you. I'm glad I'm with you because I love you so much and I don't just use you for comfort, I really do love you for your personality. I'm glad you made me more happy that day." He tells me.

I grin at him before giving him a passionate, but loving kiss.

Gosh, I love this greaser so much more than anything.

"I love you so much." He tells me again with a grin on his face.

"I love you too." I say before kissing him again.


Me and Johnny both got done taking our bath together.

It wasn't sexual, but it was romantic and we both needed one.

We were now cuddling in our bed with the fireplace in front of us in our pjs.

I'm laying on his chest while he has his arms around me, giving me lazy kisses on my head.

"I love you, y/n... so much more than anything." Johnny tells me.

"I love you so much too, Johnny." I say before kissing him then sleeping in his arms.

I dream about the first day we met again and I'll never forget it.

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