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𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆 the wooden gavel to call the attention of the courtroom, the jury rose to announce the verdict of the defendant and client of the renowned defense lawyer Amari Anderson, Michael Winston, for his drug charges. Being charged wrongfully for planted drugs in his vehicle by police officers, as well as their false accusations of his involvement in a drug ring simply because of his coincidental placing at the time of arrests.

With the Chicago Police Department pushing ahead with the trial against the abundance of evidence that proved Winston innocent beyond reasonable doubt, he was subjected to weeks of having to fight his case alongside his reliable lawyer.

The war paid off in the end as the two men hugged at an acquittal verdict. Amari comforted the stocky, black man as he soon began to sob in his arms. "Thank you so much, Mr. Anderson. God bless you, son." he shakily spoke.

Amari pulled away and squeezed his shoulders reassuringly. "It's the least I could do." he gently smiled. He shook his hand firmly, and they prepared to leave the courtroom. The successful lawyer hung back for a few minutes, as people filed out, sorting out his papers in his zipped folder.

It had been over a year since a case had drained him so much. It was mentally straining due to a majoirty of the evidence was fabricated in a racist attempt to paint his client as the black "El Chapo".

Frankly, Amari almost felt like he resonated with Michael Winston, not only that he was another innocent, black citizen dragged into crime, but because he reminded him of his uncle that always seemed to get tied into the same issues. Unfortunately, he didn't ever have a strong attorney on his side.

So, Amari was proud of himself. He did good.

He walked out into the foyer, where Michael was reconnecting with his family that came to support him and a scary amount of reporters were waiting impatiently by the entrance for any type of information that they could grasp onto.

His attention soon fell onto his fiancée, Vanessa, that strode over to him with excitement. They fell into each other's tight embrace. "You did it, baby." she squeezed him, before pulling back and giving him a kiss.

Vanessa Rhodes was someone that Amari never thought that he would see himself with, considering the fact that she was prosecutor for his firm's greatest rival. Her firm, Caplan & Gold LLP, had won many trials against his, and had a reputable name for themselves—Vanessa was the face of it, being the fiercest lawyer they had.

It truly felt like it was something out of a movie when the two lawyers first met, arguing against each other during a trial that Amari successfully won back in '17. Since then, the two got considerably close whenever they conveniently ran into each other.

Despite their opposing roles, and Anderson's rusty pull game that Rhodes found embarrassingly cute, they made it work; and he proposed a few months prior, in hopes to be wed in the early months of 2020.

"I can finally take a goddamn nap," he scoffed.

"Well, you've got a shitload of reporters to deal with first, then there's some people over there sayin' they were waiting for you." she informed him, she pointed in the direction of these so-called "some people" and Amari squinted at the sight of them, almost not believing it.

"That's... Ren?" he muttered, letting go of Vanessa and approaching her before he even thought to answer his fiancée questioning him, as he pulled her along.

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