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Note: I've been rewatching The Vampire Diaries on Netflix and I wanted to write another fan fiction. I do not own The Vampire Diaries. I only own my OC's. 


Dear Diary

It's the first day of school and I'm scared. I will try and make it through the day but the flashbacks and memories are still fresh. If people ask, I will say that 'I'm doing good' and smile at them. My older sister Elena seems to be handling things better than me and Jeremy well, I don't know, he isn't himself. We all suffered a great loss but I don't want to be know as the girl who lost her parents anymore. I want to be someone different, enjoy life and be happy. 


Ava Gilbert put her pen down and closed her diary. At 15 years old, Ava was the middle child in the family. She had short brown hair that was styled in a bob with big brown eyes.

"Ava, we are going to be late for school, Bonnie will be here to pick us up soon," Elena called as she knocked on her younger sisters door. Ava sighed. It was time to face the music.

In the kitchen, their Aunt Jenna was getting things ready for the first day at school.

"Toast. I can make toast," Jenna said as Ava walked into the kitchen.

"It's all about the Coffee, Aunt Jenna," Elena said.

"Coffee, I'm more of a fruit juice person in the morning," Ava added.

"Your first day of school and I'm unprepared," Jenna panicked. "Lunch Money?"

Ava didn't answer. Jeremy took the money from Jenna.

"Don't you have that big presentation this morning?" Ava asked.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor in five minutes. Oh, I'm so late," Jenna said as she quickly grabbed her bag and car keys.

"Then go. We will be ok," Elena told her.

Ava turned around to get her school bag when her eyes noticed that the TV was on. The news with a headline "Missing: Brooke and Darron" with pictures of the two on the screen.


Ava zoned out for most of the car ride with Bonnie. Bonnie told Elena about her ancestors being from Salem. Apparently they were Witches.

At school, Ava went to her locker where she was approached by one of her only friends Jessica.

"Ava, you're here. How are you?" Jessica asked.

"I'm good," Ava replied. 

"How's Elena and Jeremy?" Jessica asked. When Ava and Jessica were younger they used to have playdates together so Jessica saw the other Gilbert siblings a lot.

"They are coping, Elena writes a diary to help her cope and Jeremy, I don't really like talking about Jeremy. It's been hard on all of us. It was so sudden. My sister could have died with them. I still don't understand how she got out the car," Ava replied.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I know I've said it before but I'm here for you. If you ever need to talk about anything then you can," Jessica said.

"Thank you," Ava said. "Wait, that's my sister. She just came out the mens room."

"Seems like she's bumped into a fit boy tho. Look at the hair," Jessica said.

"I'm sure I will be hearing all the details later," Ava told her friend as they walked to class.


After school, Ava and Jessica went to the grill to hang out and play pool. It had been ages since they did something like this. Ava's brother Jeremy was here talking to Vicki. Vicki was Matt's sister.

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