Chapter Twenty Five ꨄ

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[Y/N] POV :

I was there for about 10 minutes when there was a loud crash down the hall. It was a small building. I didn't know what happened, but I assume it had something to do with Levi and Hange. I was scared beyond recognition. Where they going to die because of my dumb@ss?

"[Y/N]??" Levi called? I heard running but it wasn't toward me, and it wasn't coming from where the crash happened. Then I stopped and I hard a gun cock. "Levi! Glad to see you arrive. We'll show you [Y/N] if you hear us out, and follow what we say." A moment of silence. "Fine"

Shit. What 'cause' do they have for Levi?
"Wasn't there another person with you?" The man said as he walked in the room. Levi was looking on the ground as if afraid if he looked at me he would die. "No. Must have been seeing something." Levi said as he looked up. "[y/n]!" He yelled. As he started walking quickly to me the hun the man held was pointed right at Levi's head. "Take a step back, and come sit on the couch in the corner."

There was a couch in the opposite corner of the room. And I didn't f#cking see that? It was red and had layers of dust coating it. It honestly looked like something that you would find in your grandmothers house. There was a matching chair that had very low arm rests on either side. The man with the gun sat in the chair. Waiting for Levi to walk over and sit down. Levi mouthed sorry and then walked over to the couch. He looked so sad. Please tell me he and Hange had a plan and he want just doing this blindly. I know I saw Hange. I heard them too. It wasn't a trick was it?

"So Levi, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Calvin. We need you for our little cause here in the underground." Calvin said examining his gun then gently placing it
on his lap like it was his child. "Unlucky for you Calvin, but I hate the underground more than anything. So I'm not gonna be joining your little cause." Levi stated spitting out Calvins name like a child saying a curse word to impress their friends.

"Aw. Well you're very vital to our cause, and it would be a shame if you little friend here were to have a b$let right through their skull wouldn't it?" He said pointing the gun at me. My eyes widened and then I quickly squeezed them shut. "No! No. I'll listen. What's the stupid 'cause' we're talking about?" Levi said. I could hear him stand up and Calvin chuckled. "If you sit the f&ck down we can talk." I opened my eyes and I saw Levi still looking at me as he sat back down on the dusted red couch.

"Now, I'm the leader of this stupid underground mafia. All we want it to take the spot of the scouts in the military. But, of course, we need humanity's strongest shoulder with us to be able to achieve that. So, we won't be in the underground for too much longer. As long as you keep with us." Calvin put the g$n right back on his lap. Not as delicately this time. "Overtake the scouts? Even with me I have a feeling that wouldn't be able to happen. We have some pretty strong soilders in the scouts and I bet they could take you down easil-" Levi was cut off. "But none are as strong as you. Everyone knows about how strong you are. And you've inspired me to start a revolt. Nobody likes the current scouts and you know this. But if we overtook them scouts, with you as our face, I'm sure everyone would admire us." Calvin said leaning back and smiling. "The military police would take all of you right down. Plus, I'm not the type of person to sit still and look pretty. I fight. Plus, I could never go against Erwin."

"Well fine. But, now the both of you know too much." He then raised his g$n, and pointed it right at my head.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated I'm awhile. Schools been really stressful but it ends I'm 2 weeks so there will definitely be more updates then. I hope you all liked this chapter. See you in the next one!! 🖤

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