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"Let's take a few moments to review some of the features of our aircraft. Safety is our number one priority, so please remain seated with your seat belts fastened at all times. And the plane has one exit located here! As we explore our exotic destinations, take time to familiarize yourself with the local architecture. The world is our playground. But remember, refusal to sing will lead to immediate disqualification. When divided into teams, be sure to give your crew a catchy handle. Upon arrival at our final destination, one lucky competitor will receive a parting gift to remember. One million dollars! So stow that carry-on baggage and lock those tray tables in the upright position. We're taking off on one crazy ride. Right here on Total. Drama... World Tooour!"

"Ooh, look, team colours!" Izzy exclaimed happily.

"Why the heck is our mat yellow? We're no cowards!" Harold said as he looked at his mat.

"Relax, sugar. The map's gold 'cause Team Victory's in first place!" Leshawna assured him.

"I can't believe Duncan got disqualified just 'cause he won't sing," Gwen said sadly.

"Maybe he can't sing," Heather said.

"Oh, he can do anything he sets his mind to. A-And now he's stuck on the plane, waiting for a ride home. Poor thing. He must be miserable," Courtney said.

Yeah, Duncan was absolutely not miserable. He was sitting in first class, enjoying himself while humming the tune of last episode's song...

"Did I just hear you-" Chris started, only for Duncan to shoot him down cold. "'Cause it sounded like you were-"

"But I wasn't and I never will."

Jace, on the other hand, had been forced to move to where the rest of their team was, but was now back to happily laying down in the sand (despite the fact that their shirt would have sand all over it for the next few days.)

"Duncan and Courtney fans will be devastated, but I think you and Owen have a shot at becoming fav Total Drama Couple on my fan site," Sierra said to Izzy.

"Owen's magic. When he breathes, his nose whistles the national anthem!" The two girls looked over to see him doing just that.

"Super cute! But he's no Cody. Did you know Cody slept with a stuffed emo named Jerry until he was... well, okay. He still does," Sierra said.

From their spot on the floor, Jace frowned. "I don't want to know why you know that," they muttered.

Noah seemed to have the opposite idea. "And you know this how?"

"I called his aunt once. I pretended I was a telemarketer," Sierra responded to his question.

"Ooh, stalker-licious."

Chef hit the cymbals, gaining everyone's attention.

"Mm. Oh. Don't know about you guys, but I am loving Egypt! Mm. And I'm gonna love it even more watching you enjoy your second challenge. The Amazing Camel Race!" Chris introduced.

"Where are the other camels?" Harold asked, voicing everyone's thoughts.

"There are no other camels. It's a camel race. Not a camels race."

"Yes!" Heather cheered.

"What?" Alejandro exclaimed.

"We won last time! But they get a camel, they get a goat, and we get a stick?!" Leshawna snapped, understandably so.

"Each reward has its advantages. Trust me. You'll be racing to the world's most infamous waterway, the Nile. Teams must bring their rewards all the way to the finish. You have sixty seconds to strategize," Chris said.

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