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"Germany! Here our competitors encountered the glorious alps, as fun to go up as they are to go down. They also learned why Germany is world-renowned for the care they put into their sausages. From this day on, however, Germany will only be known for one thing. It's traditional dance. Specifically the slap heard around the world. There's thirteen competitors left, but not for long on Total Drama World Tour!"

Owen was sleep talking, and drooling in economy class, making for a annoyed Alejandro. Heather had managed to convince Jace to come back to first class that morning, with promises of energy drinks, making Alejandro's mood more sour despite them having now returned. Alejandro elbowed Owen, hoping to shut him up. "Will you pipe down already?"

Owen woke up with a start, flailing around. While Izzy ducked, Alejandro was not fast enough and was hit right in the eye. Jace gasped, deciding to do the sensible thing and make their way to his side to make sure he was alright.

"Woah, what a terrible dream," Owen said to Izzy. Then he took notice of Alejandro, on the ground, with Jace kneeling at his side. "Al, what happened?!"

With Jace's help (that he did not need, but accepted eagerly) Alejandro sat up, hand on his swelling eye. "Nothing a little ice and revenge won't fix."

"Cool... wait, did you say revenge?"

"Of course not," Alejandro lied, giving Jace a "don't-say-a-word" look. "Off topic, do you have any serious allergies?"

"Uh, let's see now," Owen said naively.

"Sometimes I get the feeling Al might slightly not totally like me," Owen admitted. "Punching him in the face probably didn't help, unless he likes that kind of thing. Huh, fingers crossed."

"Heather warned me that Alejandro was untrustworthy," Jace started. "But then again - it's Heather talking. So really, I can't trust either of them, can I? Luckily I have Noah, so at least I know there's someone I can trust." They crossed their arms. "As long I stay on both Heather and Alejandro's good sides, I should be fine. Which is more than Owen can say right now."

Chef, in a nurse outfit, slapped on an eyepatch over Alejandro's eye. Since it was just a black eye, it would be fine in a few days time. This would work for now. Just by looking at the look on Alejandro's face, Jace knew he was coming up with a revenge plan. So much was evident from the look in his eyes alone whenever he glanced at Owen.

Cautiously, Jace inched away from their teammate and back to the bench, taking a seat closer to Noah, who was asleep until the point where a rat fell into his open mouth, waking him. "Stupid economy class," he spat.

"Being back here has some perks," Tyler said, looking over at Lindsay.

"Like motivation to win," Jace murmured.

"Next time we get on this plane, we'd better be back in first class," Alejandro said.

"Yeah, cool, let's be a team!" Owen said, pulling Alejandro into a hug he did not want to be a part of. "A team that gets along. All of us, with everyone forgiving anything that might have ever happened by accident... or whatever. Yeah!"

"I feel bad for voting Leshawna off," DJ admitted. "All she did was hurt Heather. I'm hurting innocent animals. How long can the curse last anyway?"

"Cheer up, DJ," Lindsay said. "If Tyler can come back, anything can happen! Maybe we'll become the best team ever!"

"Here's the best team ever!" Chris said. "-Is exactly what I'll say when I get into the first class compartment."

Jace snorted. "Good one."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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