shes being insane

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"Do you think he has a sugar baby?"

Suga stares at you, eyes wide. "Pardon?"

You blink twice, "Do you think he has a sugar baby?" you reiterate, looking at Koshi.

He frowns at you, utterly confused. One minute the two of you were watching some shitty romcom that was on the television, and the next you're talking about a sugar baby? What? "Does who have a sugar baby?" he asks, hoping to gather more information.

"Kenma Kozume of course." you say like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

The gray haired boy is once again staring at you, not in confusion, but in disbelief. "Bitch?! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"You didn't answer my question,"

He scoffs, "because it's a dumbass question."

You shake your head at him, "Fine, I'll ask Ryu."

You get up from the sofa you and Koshi were splayed across, beginning your trek to Tanaka's room. It was the furthest room in the apartment, yours being the closest. When the four of you moved in together, (the four being you, Suga, Tanaka and Noya) Tanaka and Noya shot gunned the two biggest rooms, leaving you and Koshi the smallest rooms. However, what the two blithering idiots didn't realise, as that your's and Suga's rooms were en suites. Whereas, there's were not. Sucks to suck, you told them when they quite literally whined like babies.

"Tanaka!" you yell whilst banging on the door repeatedly. "Open up or I'll tell Noya you stole one of his porn mags!"

The door swung open almost instantly, him standing in the doorway. "How did you know I stole one of his porn magazines?"

"I didn't?" you raise an eyebrow at the boy, "but good to know, I guess. Anywho, back to the subject at hand."

Tanka brushes past you, making you swivel to follow behind him. "So, you know Mr. Kenma Kozume; the big, scary mafia man?" You say to him, shuffling through your shared apartment.

"Don't answer her, Tanaka!" Koshi shouts from his place on the couch. "She's being insane."

You roll your eyes, "You're just jealous. Hater. You're a Kenma Kozume hater. And by default that means I hate you."

Sugawara huffs in his seat, really regretting ever becoming friends with you in the first place. Maybe if he didn't let you sit with him that day then he wouldn't be in this situation right now. Oh, who was he kidding? All you had to do was bat your eyelashes at him and he would crumble instantly, you knew it and so did he. Hell, even Noya and Tanaka knew and they were fucking oblivious at the best of times.

"What's your question, Y/N?" Ryu speaks up, ignoring yours and Suga's previous interaction. "Must be important for you to forcefully bring me out of my room."

You make your way into the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the cupboard and pouring yourself a cup of water. "Do you think he has a sugar baby?"

You bring the glass to your lips and take a swig, relishing in the taste of the cold water. You always forgot how nice water actually tasted, especially when you live off Monster Energy's.

"Hell yeah." Tanaka smirks. "And if he doesn't, I'll volunteer as tribute."

You widen your eyes at his answer before narrowing them, grabbing an oven mit and throwing it at his face. "Hey! What about me?"

Ryu scoffs, a smirk still etched onto his features. "What about you?" He asks condescendingly, "We both know he would choose me."

"He would choose me over you any day." You state, placing the glass of half filled water onto the kitchen table before crossing your arms one over another. "Right, Koshi?" You turn to Suga, trying to get him to agree with you.

"I'm not getting involved." The grey haired man raises his arms in surrender, his attention solely focused on the tv infront of him -- which was now playing some lame cooking show.

"Fine, whatever." You turn back to Tanaka, "But he would choose me. Not you."


"Kenma, you need to calm down." Kuroo says, trying to ease the extremely pissed off faux blond. "You need to think rationally."

"Rationally?!" He barks out, "How the fuck can I think rationally when one of our members was just killed?"

Kuroo couldn't agree more with his friend because he was pissed as hell aswell. But he also knew that acting on rage, and rage alone,  wouldn't get them results. It wouldn't get them any closer to finding out who was responsible for taking the life of one of their own.

"Listen," Testu starts, "we need to go over what we know and try and figure out what happened. He must have been killed for a reason, and we just need to find out what that reason was." He explains, taking out a packet of cigarettes and pulls one out of the box. He gestures with the packet towards Kenma, silently asking him if he wants one. Kenma shakes his head. "What do we know about the guy anyway? I've barely seen him before."

Kenma walks over to his desk and sits on the leather chair that resides behind it, "Kei trained him, although he doesn't know much about him either. According to Tsukishima, he barely talked and kept to himself most of the time." Kicking his legs up on the mahogany table, he opens the draw and picks up the litre bottle of whiskey, taking a massive swig from the bottle. "He could make a kill shot from one hell of a distance, though."

"Is that all we know about him?"

Kenma nods in agreement, sighing. "It's all over the fucking news aswell. They're claiming that it was me who killed him."

"For real?" Tetsuro asks.

"Mhm. It's annoying as fuck." He rubs his temple, squeezing his eyes shut simultaneously.

"You're only saying that because the kill was sloppy," He sends a pointed look to Kozume. To which he responds with a look of his own that could only be described as a death stare. "Okay dude, chill. I get you're stressed--"

"--more than stressed, Kuroo. Do you even know what this means?" Kenma's voice rose in volume, the whiskey sloshing around in the bottle. "We've been compromised. Remember what happened last time something like this happened?"

A look of realisation dawned on the black haired man's face, memories flooding back inside his mind. "Oh fuck..."


authors note: once again, a lot of speech but i hope this doesn't suck as much as i think it does lol. and sorry for the late update, i'll be regularly posting now though  so yeah


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