t w e n t y - f o u r

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"What would you think if I didn't want to introduce you to my boyfriend?" I asked my parents the next day.

After having a terse and disheartening conversation with my friends, I couldn't bring myself to go back over to Jeremiah's. I didn't want to sit in his face and pretend like nothing was bothering me. And, even if I did, I couldn't because he'd be able to see right through my facade after talking to me for no more than five minutes.

That's why, instead of being snuggled up in my boyfriend's tantalizingly comfortable king-size bed, I was sitting in my parents' living room asking a question I knew was going to warrant more questions. However, I was willing to accept the consequences because I felt a parent's perspective would help me understand why.

And the consequences weren't going to be good, considering my parents still don't like Jeremiah.

"I would think that you think he's not going to last," Pops answered. "As a kid, I wouldn't bring a girl around my folks unless I knew that she was going to be around for longer than a year." I watched my dad's hand find my mom's, and he intertwined their fingers. "That's why your mom's the only person that I ever brought around them."

My mom visibly swooned before capturing my dad's lips in a kiss, one that lingered way longer than it needed to, in my opinion.

"How disgustingly adorable," I cooed. "But please, Pops, save the smooth talk until I leave the room." I fake gagged, which caused both my parents to say my name in a chastising manner. "But how about you, Ma? What would you think?"

Her answer was disrupted by Donte bounding into the room. He shouted that he was bored before skipping over to me on the couch and plopping into my lap, a short 'oof' being forced out of me. I plucked my phone from my back pocket and offered it to the eleven-year-old, him snatching it up with a surprising speed.

Mama sighed at my brother before answering, "I'd think that you were trying to hide him from us for a reason."

My posture took the smallest blow as that word came up for the second time regarding the same situation: hide.

"If you were serious about this boy, I'd expect to hear about all your dates and what you like about him. I'd expect you to want to introduce us to this boy because you love him and you want him to know your family and more about your life."

I settled my chin on Donte's shoulder, him remaining enthralled in whatever game he downloaded. "So, there's no positive reasons you can think of as to why I wouldn't introduce y'all?"

At this point, I was grasping for straws. I didn't want to believe Sienna when she said the dreaded 'H' word. I definitely did not want to consider my mom when she offered that as an explanation.

"I can't think of any, no," Pops confirmed as he shook his head.

I offered a smile. After fishing for positives, I knew that my parents were going to have their suspicions, so I wanted to convince them now that it was nothing. I tried to convince them that these questions were hypotheticals, that it was my general curiosity that urged me to ask. But unfortunately, my parents have known me my whole life; They know that I only ever become curious about situations that affect me personally.

"Why, Kiara? Is everything okay with that... businessman of yours?" Mama spat.

"It's Jeremiah, Ma," I gritted out.

Before speaking again, I weighed whether I really wanted the unsolicited negative opinion my mom was undoubtedly going to give me. Anything relating to Jeremiah was a fight with her, but I couldn't ignore him forever, and that's what I'd have to do if I didn't get my mind in check. Plus, my dad was here to keep her in check, so it wouldn't go completely sideways.

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