I'm an Animatron too!

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Coming back from the restaurant

Me: *whispers* Golden, you have to read this. *Passes my phone back*

Golden Freddy: *Reads* No.

Mae: What is it?

Golden Freddy: *mouths* I can't!

Me: *mouths* Sorry, you have to.

Mae: Golden?

Golden Freddy: Nothing you need to worry about.

Freddy: *jaw drops*

We finally get to the pizza place

Bella: Well, that was awkward.

Freddy: What's wrong with Golden Freddy?

Me: Can't say.

Mae: Seriously, what's wrong?

Golden Freddy: Butt out, it's nothing you need to concern yourself about, dipstick.

Me: *Gasps*

Who knew Golden could be so mean? He's the nicest guy I know!

Mae: *Glares* Fine, I'll go hang out with Foxy, jerk.

She walks over to Foxy, and actually starts FLIRTING with him! 

Me, Freddy, Bonnie, Bella: WTF?!?

Mae: You think I'm pretty Foxy? Why, thank you!

Golden Freddy: Ugh, this was hard. Mae, I'm sorry, I really am, I was dared to be mean.

Mae: Really? I was dared to make you jealous! *Kisses Golden's cheek, and grins, leaving the room*

Bonnie: Dude, seriously, you need to ask her out soon.

Golden Freddy: I might.

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