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It's been about 2 weeks since I had my panic attack. It scared Matthew when he heard my breathing stop. When he heard about what's screamed in my head. He assured me that he loves me for who I am and that I do deserve him and Jasper Lance. And I believe him. He would never lie to me.

Even when the words screamed that he was, I stopped believing them and believing my mate. It's hard but I'm pushing through. With my mate and son, I can do anything.

I'm pulled from my thoughts, as Alpha John shakes my hand. "It was nice having you and the pack."

"It was nice being here." He smiles at me as he gets on the bus.

Alpha John's pack waves from the windows as they get on the buses. I smile. I'm going miss the pack. But they need to go home now before rogues take over their land.

The buses pass my line of sight. I turn my body and Jasper Lance into Matthew's chest. Of the late, all I want is his touch. Not sex wise, just his touch. And I've been really sensitive the pass few weeks.

My stomach churns, I try to keep it down, but it just comes up. Handing Jasper Lance to Matthew. I bend over, as bile comes out of my mouth.

My back is rubbed by Matthew, I know it's him from the sparks. He rubs it until I barf up my breakfast.

When no more comes up, I stand. My forehead is sweaty. I lean against a concern Matthew.

My body is tired and slumpy from the barfing. I drag my feet up to the house, up the stairs, to Matthew's and I's bedroom.

Laying down on the bed, I borrow myself under the blankets, I close my eyes. But I toss and turn not being able to go to sleep.

After thirty minutes, I sit up in bed. Crawling my tired body out of bed, I tread tiredly to the bathroom.

Shedding my clothes, I climb into the tub. Turning on the taps, hot water flows out of the faucet. Grabbing the bubble bath, I pour it into the tub.

The water starts to bubble. Leaning back, I get comfortable. When the water is filled, I turn off the taps.

The hot water fills good on my tired muscles. I close my eyes and relax. It's peaceful and quiet.

I enjoy the feeling. But as everything must come to an end. I feel bile rise I'm my throat.

I hurry an climb out of the tub, getting on my knees. I put my face in the toilet as the bile comes out of my mouth.

The acid burns my throat, couching, I lean my head against the wall by the toilet. My face is sweaty and I can still taste the vomit.

When I don't feel anything else coming up, I stand. Looking in the mirror. My skin is pale and clammy.

Grabbing my toothbrush, I put toothpaste on it and brush my teeth. Getting down. I then use mouthwash to farther clean my mouth.

Spitting it out. I tread into the bedroom and get dressed in a pair of sweats and a shirt of Matthew's.

Yawning, I stretch. Then I step out of the room. Climbing down the stairs, I take a right then a left to the medical ward.

"Hey doc!" I chirp suddenly happy.

"Hello Luna! What do I owe the pleasure?" She ask. So I explain what is happening. She smiles a knowing smile before she grabs the machine that can tell of you're pregnant.

Then it dawns on me, there's a strong possibility that I'm pregnant again.

Another baby? I don't know how I feel about that. But if I am, I'll love the baby as much as I love Jasper Lance.

I lift my shirt, as the doctor gets the jelly. Putting it on my stomach, she rubs it around as we both look at the screen.

On the gray screen, there's a peanut shape. I look at the screen with wonder. There's my baby. Tears fill my eyes.

"You look about 2 weeks." The doc smiles before printing out a picture.

Grabbing the picture, I wipe the jell off. Pulling down my shirt. I stand and run out of the ward.

"Matthew!" I scream, excitement in my voice.

Footsteps sound from behind me. Before I'm wrapped in arms. "What is it, my heart?"

I thrust the picture under his nose. He looks at it for what seems like hours as I chew on my bottom lip.

"We're having another baby!" his voice is thick. He gets on his knees. Lifting my shirt, he kisses and carcasses my tummy.

It's a sweet moment to where tears come to my eyes. "We're having another baby!"

Matthew looks up at me with tear filled eyes. Getting off his knees, he wraps me in his arms before kissing me.

The kiss is of love and joy. We put everything in the kiss. We let our lips do the talking.

Aws reaches our ears. Pulling away, I see my siblings with their mates and Matthew's parents. His mom is holding Jasper Lance.

I blush as Matthew doesn't move his arms from around me. Hiding my red face in his chest.

"Did you hear? We're having another baby!" Matthew's voice is excited.

My siblings run to me and hugs me. They congratulate me as they hug me tightly. Letting me go I go over to my son and pick him up.

I coo at him as he looks up at me with his gorgeous bright eyes. "You're going to have a little brother or sister soon."

Matthew wraps his arms around us. I feel the love and happiness. Snuggling into his chest.

"I love you, our son, and our little peanut." Matthew kisses our foreheads.

"We're just starting our lives together." I kiss Matthew's nose.

"And what a life it will be."

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