i know theyre mad right now

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Thomas stepped into his bedroom, sighing when he saw the body laying tucked up in the blankets. "Kitty." He spoke quietly, trying to make sure his voice was soft as to not startle her, though it wasn't his usual tone. "Kitty." He crouched down beside the bed, reaching out to gently shake her shoulder.
"I-I'm sorry!" She quickly mumbled, embarrassed to be caught seeking comfort in a bed that was certainly not her own. She scrambled back, pushing herself against the wall in a panic, wide eyes landing on Thomas. "T-Tom i'm so sorry." She gasped out, running hands through her hair frantically before moving to sit up, only to be blocked by Thomas.
"Hey, hey." He said calmly, planting his hands on her shoulders to hold her down. "Does Arthur know about this?" She nodded slowly, looking over to the door, realising he'd shut it behind him. "Kit why do you keep doin' this eh?" He asked, his tone disappointed as his hands dropped from her shoulders.
"I just-i dont i don't know i just-i-" She couldn't force the words out, each one getting stuck on her tongue like a hot ball of lead. "I can't i-it's-i cant-" She tried to lean around him, attempting to move to get up once more, the situation was too overwhelming. "Tom-i-" She choked out before he realised what she wanted and stepped out of her way, allowing her to stand.
"Kit." He sighed, reaching past her to open the door. For a fleeting moment she turned to face him, simply shook her head and darted out.

He leant on the doorframe and watched her scramble towards her and Arthur's bedroom, slipping in and shutting the door. Groaning, he rubbed at his eyes and pushed his door almost closed, leaving a small gap incase she left the room in the night.

His suspicions that led him to leaving the door open were right, as a few hours later he heard the click of the lock and the swinging of their bedroom door open. He was already sat up in the bed and listened to her pause on the landing for a moment before making her way down the creaking stairs. Standing to his feet, he paused, listening to see what she was doing. There was another click, followed by the telltale squeak of the house's front door. He didn't think as his legs carried him out, reaching for his gun and shoving it in the holster around his ribs as he left the room. Making his way quickly down the stairs he grabbed his coat, swinging it over his shoulders.

He stopped again for a moment, quietly debating whether or not he should go through with what he was about to do. She's alone in the middle of the night. That thought was enough for him to reach out and unlock the door with the key dangling on a hook beside it. He pocketed the piece of metal, waiting a few more seconds before pulling it open as slow as possible, softening the noise that normally sounded from it.

Stepping into the street he looked down it each way, spotting her just turning the corner to his left. Following her at a reasonable pace so she was just always in sight, his confusion began to grow when he noticed she was walking towards the bridge over the cut that led towards a wooded area. Hanging back a few moments he soon crossed, keeping her just in sight, watching her weave through the trees with ease, seemingly having memorised the path to wherever she was going.

It took a few short minutes for the city to have disappeared through the thick forest behind him and a further 10 minutes before he saw a building come into view. It was a stone structure, what looked like a barn and he watched from a distance as she pulled a key out of her pocket and unlocked the door. Pulling it open, she stilled for a moment before speaking. "Do you want to come in or are you just gonna wait out here?" She called out, not even turning around. Thomas didn't respond and instead walked towards her. She opened the door wider for him and he slipped past before she followed.

Locking the door she drifted past him, retrieving a box of matches and striking one, lighting up all the candles in the small room. There were 2 doors and a stairway from what he could see as he watched her approach a heath and toss the match into it, waiting until the wood in there caught fire. He hovered in the doorway as she disappeared behind one of the doors to his right.

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