Chapter 2

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Narrator's POV

The four lords listened in silence if there was something wrong but no screams of pain and agony was heard. Usually other test subjects screams in pain. But the new girl didn't show any signs of it.

"Whatever Mother Miranda is doing to that little lycan she must be taking it easy... Where are the screams of agony and pain" Heisenberg spoke not hearing any sorts of pain or cries of agony from her which was very weird.

"But I wonder who she choose to take care of the girl" Salvatore spoke thinking about the decision of his mother who she should pass it to.

"Well I'am expecting another maid... or I'm sure my daughter's would like to entertain her and fix that broken mind of hers" Alcina spoke, smoking a cigar "you may all come in" they all heard Miranda's voice.

Once they stepped into the room. There eyes widened to see the girl laying down, tears falling from her face and was breathing harshly like completely out of breath.

"Is she alright Mother Miranda?" Heisenberg asked seeing as the woman was passed out but was half awake. But how come they never heard screams of pain.


"She was holding back the pain so much it exhausted the poor girl" Miranda expressed real sympathy seeing you sweating and breathing from holding back the pain.

"Her body rejected the cadou since she has something else in her body but I gave small portions in her" Miranda spoke placing her hand your cheek.

"But it seems she can be controlled for a bit and she would continuously regenerate and some type of power, I had to fused the cadou and the parasite within her" Miranda said with fascination. Hoping she might be a perfect vessel. But not completely

Perfect, judging from her lifeless and emotionless behavior. She must have cut her feels and emotions from her mind and body to not feel pain anymore. Miranda doesn't want her daughter to be lifeless.

"So does the little lycan have a name" Heisenberg asked touching your hair which your gaze quietly turned to him. Heisenberg caught your gaze making you look away blushing hearing him chuckle in response.

As Mother Miranda turned towards you "can you at least give us your name my dear" You thought for second before speaking.

"[Name]" you uttered a single word. One of them flinched, the way you sound undead and monotoned, Alcina couldn't help but feel bad a little. No emotions whatsoever was seen on you.

"That's a beautiful name my dear... but do you have a last name?" Miranda asked seeing her flinched and looked away "then how about this... [name] Belladonna you could be a new Lord for the village" Miranda suggested with a smile.

You have no other choice, so you nod in agreement. Suddenly a doll was on your lap making you flinched at the sight, The doll giggled wildly "hello there new playmate you wanna play with me" You simply tilt your head to the side.

"I think she doesn't understand the doll" Heisenberg laughed but you simply held the little hand of the doll until you uttered another word "what's her name?" You asked catching them surprise again.

Donna walk to your side and smiled "her name is Angie... it was a gift from my parents" you smiled at Beneviento as the angie doll was giggling in your hand.

Mother Miranda gently pat your head. But in the inside you felt really comfortable. You want to run away from here, you can't do anything with people this strong around you "she is very special so I hope you all treat her well" Miranda asked calmly.

"Mother Miranda what is your decision" Salvatore asked looking at you. Keeping your gaze away from the terrifying fish monster.

"Allow me to take care of the girl until her own village is finished, I'm sure my daughters will help me fix her" Alcina asked placing her giant on your shoulder making you flinched of the feeling.

Lifeless Nightshade [resident evil] Karl Heisenberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now