Chapter 18

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"Huh!? Adudu has your secret book!?" Gopal exclaimed "Yeah... He manage to steal it from me....." Tok Aba explained "Huh!? A secret book!?" Ying started to panick not knowing what kind of secret it has as for Y/n just sat in between Ying and Yaya with a calm expression already knows what's inside the secret book

"What are we gonna do!?"Yaya spoke in worried and also panick tone "It's ok guys, it's only Ojichan's book of tabs that's all" Y/n finally talk making the other 3 kids sigh in relief while Gopal gasp happily "Huh!? Book of tabs!?"Gopal then started to cheer thingking he won't be able to pay anymore

"What's up with you?"Ying ask while looking at Gopal with a boredom expression "The book's gone, so my debt's gone too!" Gopal exclaimed while having a huge grin "Ha?Wise guy huh? I've got it all in my head you owe me 32 dollars and 75 cents" Tok Aba explained making Gopal's smile turn into a sad one thingking he got away from paying "Aww.... Man"

"Hehehe, you can't escape Gopal!" Ying teased "Yup, not only Gopal memorized it i also memorized it just in case Ojichan forgots and from what i remember you ask for a hot cocoa yesterday so you have 34 dollars and 85 cents to pay since i also help the shop" Y/n explained making Tok Aba nod in agreement

"Ack!" It all happen so fast they only saw Y/n face planting on the counter of the shop pass out "Oi!! Gopal why did you do that!?" Ying yelled at Gopal who hit Y/n with a frying pan "Hehe.... Umm.....Trying to make Y/n loose her memory about my debt?" Gopal started to panick once he saw Ying and Yaya giving him a death glare

"Look what you did!" Tok Aba spoke in frustration before letting out a sigh "You know i treat Y/n as my granddaughter!" Tok Aba started giving Gopal a long scolding while Ying brought a pack of ice before giving it to Yaya

"Where did Gopal get a frying pan anyways?" Ying ask while Yaya was putting a clean, soft clothe as a pillow for Y/n then holding the pack of ice at the back of here head still unconscious "Dunno?... But Ato, if you and Y/n memorized it why do you still need the book?" Yaya ask to Tok Aba who just finished scolding Gopal for hitting Y/n with a frying pan

"Well once Boboiboy's all grown up, i will leave the shop to him so he has to know things like who has to pay up" Tok Aba explained while looking at Gopal "Hey, i'll be working by then i'll have money to pay okay!" Gopal argued while Tok Aba just gave him an unamused look "Sure you will"

"Ouch.....what happened?" The lavender haired girl finally woke up while rubbing the back of her head, looking around "Gopal hit you with a frying pan" Tok Aba bluntly answered Y/n's question making Gopal panick and sweat was forming on the side of his face

"What?..... Gopal...."Y/n started to speak, while the said boy yelp once he saw Y/n's eyes didn't have sparkes in them but before things get worse "Tok Aba! Tok Aba!!" Ochobot yelled in panick making everyone look at the yellow robot who was flying towards them

"Boboiboy is fighting with themselves!" Once Ochobot said that all of them started to run the location where Boboiboy is

"Tornado attack!" Wind attacked Earth with his tornado "Earth Wall!" Earth then punched the ground creating a wall to protect him from Wind's attack

"Hey! Stop this instant!" Wind and Earth heard Tok Aba's voice which made the two immediately stop the fight then turned to look towards Tok Aba who was running towards them along with the gang

"Why are you two fighting?" Tok Aba ask once he was infront of the two elements "He's lying Ato he says he's the real Boboiboy!" Earth started while pointing at Wind

"Huh? Liar! I'm Boboiboy! Your the imposter!" "No you!!" "You!!"

"There memories are getting worse!" Ochobot started to panick even more "There like 2 seperate people!" Gopal joined while the two elements are glaring at each other

"Huh! You think you can fool me!?" "Huh! Your the one lying!!"

"Enough, Enough!! Both of you are Boboiboy!" Y/n argued hoping the two will stop unfortunately luck wasn't on her side "Your just a copy!" "What did you say!? Rock fist!" Earth punch the ground as rocks surrounded his hands then putting his fighting stand

"Enough, Enough!! Both of you are Boboiboy!" Y/n argued hoping the two will stop unfortunately luck wasn't on her side "Your just a copy!" "What did you say!? Rock fist!" Earth punch the ground as rocks surrounded his hands then putting his fighti...

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"Huh! Tornado seal!" Wind was now in the middle of the tornado while giving Earth a glare

 "Wow! So cool!" Yaya exclaimed making Ochobot worried "It looks like he's becoming even more powerful!" Ochobot stated making everyone panick "This is dangerous!" Ying spoke while putting both of her hands on each side of her cheeks

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"Wow! So cool!" Yaya exclaimed making Ochobot worried "It looks like he's becoming even more powerful!" Ochobot stated making everyone panick "This is dangerous!" Ying spoke while putting both of her hands on each side of her cheeks

"We have to find the other one and put all three of them back together!" Y/n exclaimed while looking at Wind and Earth

"But before that how do we stop them from fighting!?" Gopal ask as both element launch towards each other "Feel the power of my rock fist!" " Well you can eat my tornado attack!"

"Prepare for my ear twist attack!!" Tok Aba yelled which made Y/n tense up since she got her ear twisted by Tok Aba. Tok Aba then grabbed both Wind and Earth's ear and giving it a pull

"Ow!Ow!Ow!Ow!!!" Both elements whine wanting Tok Aba to let go of their ear "You still want to fight!?" Tok Aba ask still holding both of their ear "No more, No more!! Sorry....." Earth exclaimed still in pain

"Come on let's go home, Ying, Yaya can you both look for the other Boboiboy?" Tok Aba ask "Sure Ato" Both girls salute before flying/running away hoping to find Boboiboy lightning

"What about me Ojichan?" The lavender haired girl ask "You help me watch over these two" Tok Aba strictly said while looking at both element who froze in their place making Y/n giggle "Hehehe, Okie Ojichan! Come on you two let go to your place!" Y/n exclaimed before grabbing both of their hands then running at Tok Aba's house

While the two element blush by the touch of the girl, Tok Aba, Ochobot and Gopal just watch from behind "I'll bet those 2 will become couples in a few years" Ochobot stated "Well i'll be waiting for that to happen" Tok Aba joined while smiling

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