Chapter 21

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"Phew, is this the last package ma'am?" Y/n asked after putting the heavy packages inside the store "Yes Y/n dear, thank you so much"The woman said giving the girl a gentle smile "You know, you should have a break since you always work" Y/n just chuckled at the Woman's statement

"It's okie! I always like to help out" Y/n reassured "Well i'll be going now! Please take care!" Y/n bid goodbye to the Woman who also wave back "Hmmm.... I wonder what the boys are doing since they're hanging out now?


"Let's play this! Papa Zola 5!"Gopal exclaimed and showed a CD game of Papa Zola 5 to Boboiboy "The truth in the alley of darkness!" The indian boy added "Really!? You've got it already!? Come on!" Boboiboy said excited to try the game "Come on let's put this in!"

Few Minutes Later

"Come on Boboiboy! Press the button!" "Relax man, i just sat down..."
"Hey, what are you two doing?" Tok Aba ask after he entered the living room and saw his grandson and Gopal infront of the TV holding a game controller "We're playing a game!" The dino cap boy replied to his Grandfather's question

"Can you stop playing for a while? I can't move all these things just with Ochobot "Tok Aba ask with Ochobot beside him "I'll do it later! After i'm playing this game! Your the best Ato" Boboiboy said while giving a thumbs up causing Tok Aba to deadpanned and ask "Mmm... How long will that be?" "Just five minutes!"Gopal joined

5 Hours Later

"Hahaha! Attack Boboiboy! Attack!!" Gopal yelled while laughing "take this!! Attack of the staff of the remorse!" the said boy while exclaimed pressing hard on the controller, focusing on the game

"Oh... My back..." Tok Aba mummbled while massaging his shoulder "Ojichan please rest, i'll give you a massage after i put these stuff back at the storage room" Y/n spoke while walking towards the kitchen where the storage room is, carrying  dozens of boxes while she was walking the girl saw 2 of her friends still playing and only focusing on the TV which made the lavender haired girl a bit mad and an irk mark appeared on top of her head

'These two we're just playing while Ojichan was working alone with Ochobot!?' The girl thought to herself "Get him, Get him!!" Tok Aba heard Gopal's voice making him look at the boys and saw them them still playing "Ehhh!?" "You guys are still playing?" Ochobot asked before following Y/n to the storage room "Hey! I'm breaking my back doing all this with Ochobot! Good thing Y/n passed by and helped out!" Tok Aba said strictly and in frustration "Uhhj..... Just a bit more Ato!" The dino cap boy said still focusing on the game and Y/n heard this while in the storage making the girl sigh

"This is why i don'y play video games... I might even get addicted which i don't want to happen" Y/n explained before putting the boxes down neatly "Good for you...."Ochobot stated also helping the girl out "Well i'm not the type of person who always play, i prefer helping out"The girl added

"Just a bit more Ato!"Tok Aba just gave his grandson a blank look "Five more minutes!" Gopal exclaimed giving Tok Aba a glance before focusing back on the game "Yeah right.... If you keep playing that game someday your gonna get trapped in it!" Tok Aba said while frowning "Oh come on... Like that would happen"  Gopal replied thingking it won't happen boy he was wrong, a light then shined throughout the living room "AHH!?" the 2 boys screamed while getting sucked inside the game

"Huh!?" Tok Aba immediately ran towards the TV "What happened!?" Ochobot exclaimed after he entered the living room and saw 2 of his friends got sucked inside the game. Once the TV stop glowing they saw Boboiboy and Gopal inside the game causing Ochobot and Tok Aba to panick "Y/N!!!" Ochobot yelled out in pure panick making the said girl ran towards the living room "NANI!? WHAT IS IT!- Ouch!" Y/n slipped once she step foot inside the living "N-nani!?" Y/n exclaimed, worried when she heard Ochobot yelled in panick

"Boboiboy and Gopal are inside the game!!" Ochobot replied which made the girl shock "Me and my big mouth..!" Tok Aba looked down in guilty for saying those words "Mwahahaha!" Probe then showed on the screen inside the game "Probes!? So Adudu was behind all of this!" Y/n stated while pointing at the TV "Greetings and welcome! Boboiboy and Gopal! Mr.Boss wants me to destroy you with this game!" Probe explained causing Y/n, Ochobot and Tok Aba to panick while the 2 boys inside the game started to panick

"Ha!?" "What do we do?What do we do!?" Gopal exclaimed in pure fear "I can't move? What's wrong!?" "We gotta help them Y/n!" Ochobot said in determined before grabbing the 2 controller on the ground then giving 1 to Y/n "E-eh!? But w-what if i mess up!?!" Y/n was now panicking while holding the controller that controls Boboiboy "Don't worry Y/n! You can do it!" Tok Aba encourages Y/n who was starting to sweat "Come on Y/n! For Boboiboy and Gopal!"Ochobot exclaimed

Making Y/n control Boboiboy by jumping on top of Probe and landing back to where he was standing "Ouch! That hurts!"Probe started to run away from the 2 boys "Mr.Boss wants me to retreat! I'm sure you won't survive this game!" Probe said while disappearing from the screen "Ha! What are we gonna do!?" Boboiboy panicked once again

"Boboiboy!" "Hmm? Y/n! Ochobot!" the said boy yelled once he saw his friends "Ahhh! Who was that!?" Gopal asked "It's us! No need to panick!" Y/n reassured "You guys are trap inside the game!" Ochobot explained "Huh?! Inside the game!?"

"How do we get out!?" Boboiboy asked while Probe appeared on the screen again "Haha! You have to win this game! If you don't then you'll be trapped in the game forever!" Probe explained and a mug suddenly got thrown at the robot making all of them sweatdrop "I will return Boboiboy!" After Probe said that he once again disappeared from the screen "Chase after him! We gotta win this game!" Ochobot spoke making Y/n nod in agreement

"Huh? Win this game?" Boboiboy questioned "Dey! This game is super hard!" the indian boy stated "Don't worry! Y/n will control Boboiboy and i'll control you!" Ochobot explained causing Gopal to have a deadpanned look "Wait! You!? Do you even know how to play and Y/n!? We'll just lose because Y/n can't even play!" What Gopal said made Y/n mad and an irk mark appeared on top of her forehead

"What is that suppose to mean!? Your so dead once your out of that game!!" Y/n yelled while a shadow forecast covered the girl's face and having a blank face "I'm sorry!" Gopal fainted before respawning again, while the lavender haired girl was calming herself down "Ok! Let's do this!" Y/n exclaimed before playing the game and saw a minion

"What is that!?" Tok Aba ask while the girl controlled Boboiboy to throw a lightning bolt at the minion "Great job Y/n!" Boboiboy compliment the girl which made her unconciously blush but didn't notice "Arigato!" "Alright! Let's go!" Ochobot stated

Both Y/n and Ochobot was starting to play properly dodging and attacking all of the minions in the game while the girl's expression was calm and focused "Careful Y/n! Shoot the monsters!" Tok Aba yelled while shaking Y/n's shoulder causing her to be dizzy "Hai, hai Ojichan! But please don't shaking me...." Y/n stuttered trying to push away the dizziness ad focus on the game

Somewhere Else

"Master it seems there getting better at the game" "Blast it! Order Probe to attack!" Adudu yelled and Probe appeared on the screen again before shooting rockets at the 2 boys "Huh!? Get away Y/n!" Tok Aba yelled and tackled Y/n on the ground thingking the girl would get hurt as for the 2 boys in the game, Gopal manage to dodge the attack as for Boboiboy lost 1 life in the game making 2 lifes left for Boboiboy and 3 for Gopal

"Nande Ojichan...... Nande...." Y/n mumbled out still on the ground and Tok Aba hugging her "Phew! Good thing it wasn't me" Gopal spoke before he sigh in defeat "Huh! Can't get away with this Probe!" Boboiboy yelled while pointing at the purple robot

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