Chapter 1

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Oh shit would you look at that I'm fuckign hungry well shit guess it's time to go to a restaurant called Kentucky Fried Chicken also known as KFC. My friend has been bugging me about it for so long. It's a popular restuarabt but I've never been there before. Most people say it's good, others say it's bad, so I'm not quite sure if I want to try it or not. It also might not be a good day to go out, for my heat surpressents might run out soon. But I'm fucking hungry after taking my hot succulent shit so why not.

Oh look I magically fucking appeared in kfc grrrrr. I sit in a sexy ass fucking table and order some food cause MMMMMMMM FUCK. This place seems like any other fast food restaurant, nothing interesting about it. Just same old regular shi- "May I take your order?" I looked up and saw the most fucking hot, sexiest, juiciest, strongest alpha I have ever fucking seen oh my god. Strong muscular arms, his white hair with a few strands out on his forehead. Goddamn. "Y e s." God he's so fucking hot jesus fucking Christ Fuck me againt this fucking table you hot fucking man. "What would you like to have little omega?" Woahh my clothes are falling off- "You." I bit my lip cause I'm hot like that. He looks straight at me with a hard gaze. "Now now, it would be too early for that." Damn, he wanna fuck 🥴☝️.  He notices smth or smth cause like oH SHIT MY HEAT REPRESENTS AREN'T WORKING NO MORE oH nO THE TIMING 🥵. My slick starts leaking for how fucking horny I am for the kfc man in front of me. "I see," he notices my slick leaking as well. "Well then, I don't want to make a mess" and he puts his hand out or smth and I take it and oh shit he leading me to the back, to the employees only, good thing this place empty cause MMMMMMMMM. He shuts the door and continues taking me further. Wonder where he's taking me. He finally brings me to this empty room and pins me to the wall or smth cause he hot like that, and he takes off his pants, and omg, I can see that fucking big DICK *lipbite*, he proceeds to remove his b- oh my fucking god his dick is a knife. "What" he then proceeds to stab me with his knife dick. Now, imagine how it looks like.


. I'm bleeding and shit YK cause I'm like dying and stuff.
Change POV or smth go to idk person person.
The body falls over and lays on the floor cold dead. The hot kfc man, colonel sanders, picks up the dead omega and throws them over his shoulder, so he liek carrying it and shit. He places the body onto a conveyor thing. The body goes through some stuff, cutting the body and cooking it then deep frying seasoning and bam, kfc chicken. That was his secret ingredient in all of his chicken. The sweet taste of omegas was the special, flavour, of the 'chicken'. Wasn't chicken at all, it was all omega flesh, colonel was secretly a cannibal and fed flesh to the customers of his restaurant. He proceeds to put the 'chicken' up in a freezer some where. Cleaning up the area of the murder so no one will know. Going back out into the front of the restaurant, he notices someone sitting down. Their face covered by a menu. He walks up to them, "How may I help y-" The person drops the menu, revealing Burger King, colonels restaurant neighbor. "What do you want now?" Colonel was annoyed by the presence of Burger King, he hated that bitch smh. "The police are catching on, if you don't stop soon their gonna find out." Ohhh shit la policía. "How'd they even catch on?" Hot kfc man put his hand on the table and leaned against it or smth do you understand. "Ronald." "Of course it was fucking Ronald." Burger King took a sip from a cup of soda that randomly appeared casue why not. "What do we do about him?" "Threaten him, if that doesn't work, you already know." "Got it." Burger King levitated through the roof and went into space. "Hey colonel..." he turned to see yet again another omega.... his ex...... "well well well...Gordon." "I have the fucking cops on call right fucking now, so if you don't explain what's going on I will not HESISTATE to throw this butcher knife at you."Gordon Ramsey was there holding a butcher knife and a phone to his ear. "no"
The entire kfc blows up and colonel sanders starts flying and is floating above the now burning building looking cool and hot as hell as he stares at Gordon Ramsey, who was covered in ash after quickly running and jumping out a few seconds before the explosion. "You win this time, but next time, I will fucking kill you" "k"
Hot sexy kfc man flips him off then went to space like Burger King did.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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