part 35 & 36

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(Mona's pov) I was fast asleep and dreaming, it started nice, me and my sister were little and playing with dolls I look at her and say Venus your the best sister ever, but in the dream we start aging and she starts changing, she starts be dark and my dream starts turning into a nightmare. I wake up screaming i then see raph run in and he sits by the bed trying to comfort me he then asks what did i dream this time i look at him as i tell him, i once had a sister and she was the best but when we start getting older she starts to hurt me, she was always jealous of me because I had the best style, the coolest friends, I was more popular than her. It got so bad our foster parents sent her away. I was adopted into her family when my father went missing. I feared for my life, and I took ninjitsu to protect myself and reached master level. I start to cry he lifts me and sets me between his legs as his arms wrap around me craddling me, saying its ok I'm here. I smiled and held his hand and say I'm glad I have you. He smiles back and says I'm glad I have you to.

(Mona's pov) it was early morning and I was on a morning walk while the others were asleep, as I was walking I heard something and someone came out it was mondo I try to turn and run around but tigerclaw blocked me and grabbed me and stuffed me in a bag. I wake up to a tied up chair and mondo is holding a pen with paper, he said he plans to write a letter to raph. I growled at him. He starts to write the letter as he says it outloud, "" Dear Raph, I am sorry but I feel like I had to leave this is all to much for me the fighting, the drama, and everyday I feel like is a battle, I wish I could say this to you in person but I can't do this anymore I'm sorry, love Mona. NO!!! I screamed don't . I begged him not to. He left And left me tied up in this secret place him and tigercalw stayed. (Mondo's pov) this letter was a brilliant idea, I snuck in to Mona's bedroom window and quietly into Raphs as I quietly set the letter to his bedside table I then left. (Raphs pov) I wake up and I see this letter I start to read it as I was reading it I start to tear up, these words she was saying broke my heart, I can't believe she left me I loved her so much and I thought she loved me, I drop the letter and lay back down crying into my pillow. I was heartbroken

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