Part 1&2

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*at April's farm house* (Raphs pov). Its been 5 months since the invasion, and April was still upset about her father. *raphael sighs* what's wrong asks mikey. Its just I miss splinter its. We must remain strong mikey butts in. I get up and leave and leave the house for awhile, as I walk in the woods I swear I could have heard a car, but it couldn't be April said there's nobody for miles. (Mona's POV) I was just about to visit my cousin in NYC but when I got there I could see someone got here before I did, I drive to my cousins house to only find it in a wreck and a broken window. I suddenly remembered there summer home so I got in my car and headed there, just as I was almost there my car broke down. (Raphs POV) all of a sudden I see the car break down and I see a girl come out, I accidentally step on a stick and all of a sudden I feel a chain grab me and slam me to the ground, I look at her( who are you, and why are you watching me~mona) I couldn't stop looking at her I say I'm Raphael ( she smiled and said I'm Mona Lisa) she looks at me and says ( by any chance do you know an April O'Neil~mona) my eyes suddenly widened.

(Raphs POV) Umm April O'Neil, I try not to look nervous, but she looks at me with her big brown eyes, I snap out of it. (Mona's POV) I look at him I knew he knew who April was I just needed to get him to talk suddenly I think of something. So Raphael I know you know April O'Neil so as I can tell you are a ninja and I wanna make a deal. He looks at me.  If I win ubin a fight I help me find April and if u win, which u won't I'll leave is that a deal. I hand out my hand to shake on it. He shakes my hand. ( raphs pov) so the girl wanted to fight. I laughed, minutes later I ended up on the floor. I lost, she looked at me and said so deals a deal, I say fine and we walk back to the house. She says your pretty pretty good. I smile and say thanks your not bad yourself, she smiled back and says well I am a master female ninja. I think to myself so this is what it feels like to like a human girl.

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