Chapter 7

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Kasper stayed in her room for thirty minutes while we all waited outside, wanting to comfort her, but not wanting to get her more upset. Rianne was the first person to crack, not being able to hear Kas's cries any longer she went in. The rest of the girls also made their way to their rooms except Emery, who took a seat out side the door.

Going into my room and shutting the door firmly behind me, I thought about Raven. I never really got as close to her as I was with the other girls right now, and because of what she did, I will never have a chance again. She was Kas's best friend before, but then she decided that she had had enough of life and decided to take her life.

I always got this guilty feeling whenever I thought of her, like maybe I could have stopped her somehow. It was ridiculous, but my heart always managed to clench; and when I thought about how Kas was affected because of the incident I felt as if my heart was being torn into pieces. Why was I so helpless? Why couldn't I help one of my best friends, was I really that bad of a friend? That I couldn't even help Kas feel better. I hated it when this happened, every time something happens that relates to Raven, Kas would always be attacked by the memories, and every time, she would block out the world around her.

I heard Kasper scream, and a little while later call for Alex.

I went into Nichole's room, seeing that she too was in tears, and wrapped my arms around her.

"It's ok, it's over." She assured me, "Common, perk up! Didn't you hear?" when I shook my head no, she continued, "Michael invited Kas and all of us to a party tonight! Isn't that so sweet?"

"Yasss. Finally I can go to my first high school party!"

"I know! There'll be so many cute guys there! I hope."

I snickered, "Well then, Miss Cheerleader, have fun with that."

I quickly washed my face and straightened my hair, pinning it up, but still leaving it down. After I did my make up, I slipped into one of the dresses I had bought at the mall and then made my way downstairs, where all the girls had gathered.

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We all walked into the party, all looking 10.0, meaning we looked perfect. The music was roaring, and there seemed to be millions of new faces around: dancing, sitting, talking, etc. We tried to stay close, but it was in vain since we were all eventually swallowed up by the crowd. I made my way over to one of the couches and took a seat, not really in the mood to socialize, but it seemed that the universe wasn't going to give me a choice as I felt someone sit beside me. I turned to see a boy with blonde hair and mischievous hazel eyes that immediately put me on alert.

"Helloooo," The boy said smirking.

He must think that he's so smooth, so I smiled evilly, playing along, "Hey!" I said.

"You want to dance?"

"Um, no." I said smirking, "Why would I do that?"

"Ah, hard to get, I like that." He said, "Hey! Where are you going?" I had gotten up and started to walk away when he called out.

Not wanting to continue the conversation, I said, "Away from the stench of desperate that is radiating from you."

I walked around aimlessly again, when someone tugged my arm. I whirled around again to see no other than the jerk-wad himself-- aka the boy who had tries and failed to flirt with me.

I rolled my eyes, yanking my arm from his grasp, and he put his hands up in surrender. "Can I help you?" I asked my hands on my hips.

"Okay, I deserve that. Look I'm sorry, can we start over? That was a dare, that those idiots made me do, nothing personal." He gestured to a group of boys, all looking over here laughing, and smiled at me apologetically. I rolled my eyes again, but smiled anyway. He was cute!

"Sure, but no more failed flirting!"

"Deal, I'm Aiden, and you are?" he asked giving me a grin.

He was really hot, "I'm Adi." He took my hand and dragged me to the dancing mass of bodies, "Uhh, what are you doing?"

"Giving you your dance, duh. As a sorry," he replied as if it was obvious. I shrugged. I saw Emery walk out the back door, and Kasper going upstairs, I caught an occational glimpse of the other girls, but they all seemed to be having a good time.

Me and Aiden danced for a while, laughing and talking, and by the time the third song rolled around, my stomach was hurting from all the laughing and my feet were tired.

"Let's go sit. I'm tired." I yelled over the music.

"One more song, please?" He begged with an adorable puppy dog face. I sighed, I could just kiss him all day, but that would be oober creepy.

I sighed in defeat, "Fine!"

Quarter of the way through the song, the shrill siren of a police car pierced the air.

"What's happening?" I shriek terrified as people began to panic and dash to the exits.

Aiden urgently took my hand and ran with me towards the back door, still not answering me, just tugging me.

"Aiden stop!" I commanded, "What was all that about?"

He sighed, "That was the cops, someone must have brought something to the party. We can't get caught there or we're done for. Trust me, you'll be fine."

"Okay, let's go." I whispered.

Aiden lead me through a woody area surrounded by woods, and then stopped in front of a cabin.

"I don't think this is mine..." I told him.

"I know, we took the long way to my cabin, we need to stay out of the main area for a while, or they'll catch us." Aiden informed me knocking on the door, "Yo! Let me in!"

We waited, then heard shuffling feet before the door was yanked open by... Xander. A very, very shirt less Xander. I gawked, as my theory was proven correct in front of my eyes. Xander had abs! Not the really muscled, kind of scary kind, but the I-can-totally-beat-you-up-without-trying kind. The events finally registered in my mind and I shrieked, covering my eyes. Xander and Aiden seemed to have the same realization I did because Xander quickly pulled on the shirt he held in his, while Aiden burst out laughing.

"Let's get inside," Aiden said leading me in the cabin, "Adi, this is Xander, my cabin mate, Xander, Adi."

"Yeah, we met," I managed to croak, still avoiding Xander's gaze.

I saw Xander nod in agreement out of the corner of my eyes, and Aiden looked surprised.

"That's cool, um so...?" Aiden said, noticing the tension in the room. "Why was there tension?" I thought.

"What happened?" Xander asked addressing Aiden. I finally looked up, wanting a full explanation myself. Aiden explained what had happened at the party, and understanding began to draw on Xander's face.
"So why's she with you?" he asked in an emotionless voice, his face flashing with a feeling I couldn't decipher.

"Wow that hurt." I thought, a weird feeling burning in my chest, "He must not like me that much after all. He was probably bored or being nice in class." I quickly wiped my face of emotion,

"It's nothing." I told him quickly, I turned to Aiden, "Thanks for bringing me here, but I should go."

Aiden nodded, "I'll walk you,"

"I'll come with you" Xander said hurriedly, surprising us all.

I stayed quiet, not wanting to look too much into things. We were all silent on our way back, with a few words exchanged between me and Aiden.

"Here, put in your number," Aiden said handing me his phone, "Thanks."

I shivered, it was getting cold out and I had forgotten to grab a jacket, but I felt someone wordlessly draping a jacket over my shoulder. I peeked over to see Xander with his hands in his pocket, looking at me. I wrapped the jacket tighter around me, taking his sweet spicy smell.

"Thanks Xander, Aiden. I'll be fine from here." I smiled, giving Xander his jacket back. Aiden gave me a hug while Xander simply nodded and I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

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