XXXVI - Incertitude - Onze

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Inside, Connie had already made it down the corridor and into the main chamber, joining up with the other older members of their collective group over near the candlelight. 

Chief had risen to great her properly, offering her a seat that she'd accepted only after some insistence, the young lady removing her bag as the others watched and listened to whatever the two were now discussing. 

Cassia and her friends couldn't quite hear anything as they made their own entrance, Swoopy cutting ahead slightly as she gestured for everyone to slow down.

"We can't go crowding them." She said quietly, Cassie sharing the concern once it was voiced. 

Despite their reservations, they weren't exactly invisible after coming as far as they already had, their visitor's interest in them returning now that she'd had some time to get organised.

"Come here a sec." She said as she caught sight of them all, not needing to raise her voice due to the interior of the structure carrying it for her. 

Cassie and her companions ended up drawing near after all, Taya skipping away from Sweets once she saw Monet again, the two sharing a quick hug as Connie had a rummage through the things she'd brought with here.

"Here. I dunno if you like them, but I got a couple of things on the way here."

She took out a packet of crisps to begin with, followed by a small, unopened box of sandwiches. Sweets had a look at the crisps as she was handed them, whilst Swoopy gave the labelling on the sandwiches a going over, allowing Connie to continue by retrieving a granola bar and a flask of sorts.

"I dunno what's in there, I think it's just water. You could probably reuse it, right?"

"Yeah, that's pretty decent." Chief replied, taking the flask as he got a quick feel for it, checking the contents.


"Where'd you get all this stuff? It looks like someone's packed lunch." Shipshape asked, his question nearly making her laugh.

"That's because it is. A pair of Sabre boys weren't paying much attention to their kit, and right now they're probably regretting that." She explained.

"You swiped these from Sabre folks?" Sleeves asked, her reaction somewhere between a ripe concern and being impressed, the girl unsure of which to settle on.

"Yeah, whilst I was up past the bars. I went and had a look at the complex, figured I'd try and find out what's going on before coming down here. Your main man here invited me yesterday, said you were gonna meet up." She explained, nodding towards Chief as she went.

"I didn't think you'd turn up, to be honest." He replied, appearing slightly caught out, though ultimately glad that she had. 

Cassie hadn't heard anything in regards to such an invitation. Now that she had, she was also glad that the young lady had decided to attend. No one seemed offended by her presence, especially not after the little revelation she'd made in regards to her recent activities. 

Spears looked more thoughtful than usual now that she was there, Cassie not picking up on anything resembling animosity in his demeanour.

"You've been up to the complex?" Monet asked, any intrigue masked by her restored, calm tone.

"Yep, literally before I came down this way, like I said."

"What did you see?" Klavdiya asked, Shipshape moving her along so that she could sit down now that it was apparent they would be joining in whatever meeting was about the unfold. 

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