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Everything was same. Jennie and Taehyung started to bully me more. Everyday they bullied. There were many days were Taehyung wanted to rip my dress but each time either Jisoo or Lisa or Rose found me. I am so lucky to have them \(@^0^@)/. I was going to the cafeteria when someone pulled me in a dark room again. I was scared. When i tried to see the face it was JK.

 When i tried to see the face it was JK

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OMG, he is handsome. Hey am i that handsome. - he said while giggling. Then i came to realise that i was staring at him. Suddenly i felt my cheeks burning up ( did you catch fireeeeee. sorry lol). Ahh someone is blushing (ノ◕ヮ◕).  Stop it Jungkook. OK OK. BTW, we meet after a long time. Where were you? Was there any problem. Ahhhhhh stop stop i am saying. First of all sorry i  didn't inform you about it and vanished. Actually my mom was sick so i went to meet her. Now she is fine. Why didn't you say me about it. Don't you believe me. Sorry Y/N i won't do it again. Let's go to class. Then we headed to class.

(Math's class)

Y/N POV :-

Good Morning sir. Good Morning students sit down (A/N: sir it's shit down not sit down ◔◡◔ )
Today we are going to learn algebra. So take out your copy and pen. There are some important notes you all have to take down. So let's start it. While writing i could feel someone staring at me. When i looked up it was Taehyung looking at me and gave me a smirk

 When i looked up it was Taehyung looking at me and gave me a smirk

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I got scared which made me sweat. Hey Y/N why are you sweating. Ah....oh nothing i am fine. But why did Taehyung do that. God save me please. Should i tell this to Rose. I need to go to washroom can call Rose. Sir may i go to the washroom. Ah.....ok ok. I then ran to the washroom. I would feel someone flowing me so i ran faster and entered the girls washroom.


I could see Y/N writing the note then suddenly she looked up and looked at someone. So i saw the person and it was Taehyung. Then he suddenly smirked at her. What why did he smirk at
Y/N. Then i saw Y/N sweating and got up from her place and asked the teacher that if she can go to washroom or not. As she went out i got up and went to sir and told that my head was paining and if i could to to the infirmary or not. He said ok and i ran behind Y/N. As i was running behind her she turned back once and i hid behind the pillars and then again followed her. As i entered the washroom i entered one of the room. Then heard Y/N calling Rose and she telling her about Taehyung smirking at her. Ah...ok even she don't know about it. I need to ask Taehyung about it. Then i heard the room door unlocking and Y/N went out. After she left even i left. Taehyung then why did you smirk at Y/N. Ahhh.......hmmmmm.......Let's go out after the class.................




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