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3rd Person's P.O.V

'How many years has it been?' 

Y/n thought to herself as she stare out the window. It's been a few years since she last seen Android 17. She heard from Goku and Android 18 that he's currently working as a park ranger and has a family now. Y/n tries not to think about it too much since she wants to focus on her studies and forget about Android 17, but no matter what she do, she can't seem to forget about him.

The bell rung, telling the students that it's now lunch time but Y/n didn't hear it for she's too occupied in her own thoughts. "Y/n..." She didn't answer. "Y/n!" The (h/c) finally snapped out her thoughts and turned away from the window to see her best friend Komaeda Nagito. "Are you okay? You seem out of it lately." Y/n smiled as she shook her head. "I'm fine Nagito. I was just thinking about something." "Oh, okay. Also, it's now lunchtime so let's go and eat in the courtyard. Miu, Keebo, Kokichi and Rantaro, Ryoma and Kirumi are waiting." Y/n nodded. "Okay, let's go."



Android 17 stares at the horizon in deep thought. He thought of a certain (h/c) haired girl, wondering how she's doing. It's been a few years since he last seen the girl and he would be lying if he said he didn't miss her. He didn't even invite Y/n to his wedding, he didn't know how to face her and he didn't want to see her reaction.

The truth is that, he used to have feelings for the (h/c) girl. But the more distant they become, the more his feelings faded. Rigjt now, he's happy with his job and his family. He thought about visiting Y/n every now and then, but he can't find the time to do so. Work always gets in the way of his plans. The ebony haired man took his phone from his pocket and looked through his contacts. His finger hovered over the contact named "Y/n".

He had asked 18 for the (h/c)'s number a few weeks prior, just in case he decides to call her. After minutes of hesitating, he finally pressed it and brings the phone close to his ear. He waited, patiently and anxiously. His foot tapping against the ground as he bit his gloved finger nervously.

After a few minutes, she finally answered.


with Y/n...

Y/n ate her lunch as the others talk. It's the usual thing—Kokichi annoying Keebo, Kirumi and Rantaro trying to stop them—keyword:TRYING, Miu making inappropriate comments, Nagito laughing at the scene,and Ryoma deadpanning at them.

Usually, the (h/c) would be deadpanning with Ryoma while trying to stop them but she doesn't feel like doing it today. She strayed deep in her thoughts, as she eat her lunch. The others notice their friend's behavior lately. Usually, she would be the group's mom as usual but she wasn't budging for the past few days. She just eats silently, deep in her thoughts.

Everytime I close my eyes~

Rantaro looks down at Y/n's phone to see it ringing. He took it in his hand and look to see that it's an unknown number. He put his hand on the (h/c)'s shoulder. "Y/n, someone's calling you." Y/n took the phone and answered. "Hello?"

It was silent on the other side before they finally replied.

"Yo Y/n, do you remember me?"

The said girl's breath hitched as she hears the familiar voice.

"Yeah. Long time no talk 17."

Y/n chuckled as she walks a few meters away from her group.

"So, why did you call? And how did you get my number?"

"Do you wanna hang out? And to answer your other question, 18 gave me your number."

"I could've guessed. Anyways, sure we can hang out. Where do you want to meet?"

"That bridge in Harajuku. I forgot what it's called since I rarely leave the island."

"The Jingu Bashi bridge, okay. What time do you want to meet?"

"11 AM on saturday, if you're free."

"Sure. See you om saturday."


The call ended as Y/n walks back to her friends. She's so nervous yet exited. But then she remembers something. 'What if his wife sees us? How would she react?' She thought nervously as she sat back on her spot. "So, who was that?" Rantaro asked. "I bet that's a booty call." Miu chimed in.

"No Miu, it's not a booty call. And to answer your question Rantaro, it's just an old friend of mine." The avocado man noticed the small smile on the girl's face. "You should smile more often. You look cute when you smile." He said as Y/n blushed, Rantaro looks at his friend, confused. "Your face is red. Are you sick?" "No, I'm fine." "Are you sure? It wouldn't hurt to che—"

"Mommy! Keeboy is bullying me!" Kokichi hugs Y/n, cutting Rantaro off. "Huh?! You're the one making robophobic comments here!" Y/n sighed, done with this bullshit. "Cut it out you guys!"

"ding dong dong ding"

"Lunch is over. We should head to our classrooms or else we'll be late." Nagito says, everyone else agreeing as we pack our things and left.

<-To be continued...———

ずっと前からすきでした (I've Always Liked You) 『️Android 17 x Reader』️Where stories live. Discover now