Who are you?

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Nala's POV

I was starting to dread all the back talk. The more we drove down the soon-to-be dark road, the more i dreaded it. I had to admit that i was scared at the time and wasn't thinking straight.

I glanced over at Ryder, taking in his features. He was beautiful to say the least. He had striking blue eyes and what looked to be a 5 o'clock shadow forming on his chiseled face, his skin was fair and blemish free. His lips were this pretty soft pink color that would make any girl wanna-

"Nala" he spoke up


He cleared his throat

"Yes sir?" I tried again

"Good girl. Get out of the car, if you run, your punishment will only get worse"

"Yes sir"

I stepped out onto the gravel, the heels i was wearing were killing my feet, but i didn't say anything.

We walked up the pretty stone walkway, up brick steps to his front door. He unlocked it swiftly and pushed me in before him. I looked around the rather large entryway, it was emaculate.

There was one long brick stair way to the left and to the right of me. Straight ahead is what looked like a kitchen. I looked up at him to see him heading towards the right stairwell.

"Nala, I'm escorting you to a waiting room whilst i get things ready for your punishment. I want you stripped down to you undergarments by the time i get back are we clear?"


"Are. We. Clear?"

"Y-yes sir"


He began climbing the stairwell, i followed behind swiftly, i already knew i was in deep trouble and didn't plan on getting in anymore tonight. He led me down a long hallway, passing two or three oak doors before getting to the last one on the left.

"In here"

He opened the door and pushed me in before he shut it and locked me in.

"Shît shît shït" I mumbled trying to figure out what he might do.

I was to preoccupied with my thoughts to notice the rustling in the other room, the bathroom maybe?

A young man walked out, maybe nineteen or twenty, he had chestnut hair and piercing gray eyes broke me from my thoughts.

"Who are you?" I questioned, backing up into a further corner in the room

"Well..." his words trailed off as his eyes wandered down my body, his lips curling into a smirk ".... I'm Cory. And you are?"

"I'm not telling you that"

"You kinda have no choice, I'm another Dom around here" he walked slowly towards me as i backed away, my back hitting a wall

"Well... a Dom in training anyway"

He closed the space between us, his fingers going under my chin, tilting my head up to look at him

"So who are you?"

"I'm N-Nala"

I stutters out my words, he looked somewhat intimidating and I was locked in a room with him so there's no telling what he could and/or would do.

He smirked and my eyes wandered down his neck to the white color that adorned it.

"If you don't mind me asking.... sir..... whats that?"

I pointed out what had me curious and he answered

"A sign of ownership sweetheart, all the... residents have them"

"So ill be getting one too?"

"Mhm. Either later tonight or tomorrow morning"

I nodded, then remembered i was supposed to be half naked at the moment

"Um... excuse me" I said, trying yo get to the bathroom

"What? Are you shy, kitten?"

Again with that damn pet name, Ryder called me that at the auction

"Nala... just get undressed here, you'll have to put on a show for Ryder anyway, so why not just get used to it now?"

Maybe because you seem like a prick

"Um... i-i don't know"

He let out a low chuckle, reaching for the buttons on my costume, popping them open one by one, letting the tight fitting material drop from my torso

"Damn..." he whispered, his eyes landing on my breast's.

I bit my lip, bringing my arms up to cover myself, but not before he stopped me.


"D-don't what?"

"Cover yourself, kitten"

I nodded, his hand reaching for the strings on my skirt, tugging them open and watching them pool at my feet.

His lips ghosted over my neck, his hands on my black lingerie clad hips. My breathing picked up as he peppered kisses down my neck, his finger tips running up and down my hip's.

Someone cleared thee throat, Cory pulling off immediately, lowering his head. I peeled my eyes open, seeing a rather confused Ryder standing in the door way.

"Why are you in here?" The question was directed towards Cory.

"You pushed the girl in so fast and locked the door. I was cleaning up, so we were both locked in here, Ryder"

I was a bit confused. Why did i have to call him sir and master and what not, but not Cory?

"Nala.. Nala.... Nala!"

Someone broke me from my thoughts, i looked up, Ryder a few feet closer to me, Cory had left.

"It's time, kitten"

Right... my punishment....

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